Chocolates, rain and music

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Chocolates, rain and music weren't my thing
Chocolates are too sweet for me
Rain makes me sick
Music is a nuisance
You could definitely picture a boring girl narrating here

I used to say, "I hate chocolates"
And people would give me the stink eye.
I used to say, "I hate this weather," when its raining
And people would comment against it.
I used to say, "music hurts my ears," and people would play music out loud just to piss me off
HE was one of those people.

God, I hate him to the core
He's like the complete opposite of me
He loves chocolates, rain and music
I despise him alright

But one day my heart just starts beating when he's around
I decided; maybe I don't hate him too much

I just start smiling when he plays music loudly
I just don't find chocolates too sweet anymore
I just start thinking of a rhythm when it's raining

Then it became us.
He keeps bringing chocolates for me
We even danced in the rain
We joined a music club together.
My world just turned a 360

Then suddenly he's gone
Like how sudden we became together
Like how fast chocolate would melt under the heat
Like how fast music dies down
Like how rain would suddenly stop

I wasn't all in a celebratory mood
I was broken, of course
Then it's like plain, boring me again

Shouldn't I be happy?
I mean I should be back to my old self
It should be like a happy moment for me cause I'm going back to who I was
But why do I feel so...down?
All was back to normal
Just one more thing...

I cry when I hear music
I feel numb when it rains
I feel like throwing chocolate away
What has gone to me?

Chocolates, rain and music
Weren't my thing at all
But then you came, you changed me
Chocolates, rain and music
I loved them since you came
But then you left, you made them my pain.

It's true that when people come inyt your life
You're giving them permission to hurt you
To leave you
To make you cry
To make a change

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