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I'm not too sure if that was the right thing to say
Its been so long
So long since we last talked
Long enough for my heart to long for yours

My eyes roam around, searching
I imagine you to look different
Maybe a little mature
With curves in the right places
Maybe a blonde now
Maybe with a...

No I can't imagine
My mind stuck on the same memory of a little girl
With sleek black curly hair
Skin, tan with all the sun exposure
A bubbly expression on her face
I can't imagine you all grown up

You left 8 years ago
Its been so long
So long but I've never moved on
I never had my way with time anyway

Would that be right?
Would I be able to recognize you?
Would you have to same smile?
Have the same energy?
Have the same expressions to your favorite things?
Have the same favorite things?
Would you be able to recognize me?

I hear footsteps approaching behind me
Footsteps that I got used to hearing before
The same one from before
The same rhythm

I whip my head back to your direction
A huge smile plastering my face
'Hi' she says, eyes tearing up, face trying to remain poise and composure

'Hi' I say back
And she runs to me
‎My arms open wide to meet her
‎'Hi' was the right thing to say after all

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