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The doctor continued to stare at the cardboard box floating in front of him, attempting to understand how there was an issue with size when suddenly it struck him. the materialising point was about 4 square metres in size. if the box before him was indeed a tardis it's size registered to his baby as infinite and thus, far to large to fit the space provided.

"Now, how to get in." 10 wondered allowed.

The two flaps before him seemed the only ones not taped but they were held shut.

"Hhhhhmmmmm, maybe they're just stiff"

The doctor wrapped his fingers around the edges of the doors and attempted to yank them open... he failed.

Meanwhile inside the cardboard box Sherly had returned from the medi bay with a large bandage around her head and she and the Shepard were watching the doctor like a lion watches its prey through the monitor,laughing at his failed attempts to open the door.

"He may be an experienced flyer but he doesn't know the first thing about emergency systems," chuckled sherly.

"Yup you'd think he'd remember if an external source removes power from a tardis all doors will be dead lock sealed until power is returned. its lucky most of our internal doorways are just arches." the Shepard added, also chuckling.

"You think we should tell him?" Sherly asked.

"Yeah. he may be about to rip the doors clean off"

They took one last glance at the now red faced doctor before scooting around the console redirecting any remaining power. Sherly pulled out what appeared to be a bendy wire with a sponge on the end and shaped it to hover just below the monitor.

"Ok. that's the intercom sorted. how are we doing with power?"

"Just finishing the last wires," the shepard replied while twisting together two ends.

They let out a spark leaving a singed line along her hand but she was to full of excitement to notice.

•sherlys pov•

"You talk" Shepard whispered, flicking the on switch before i had chance to argue.

"Um... Step away from the tardis. I repeat. step away from the tardis."

I heard a light thud and turned to see a shuddering mass at my feet as Shepard tried to stifle her laughter.

"Who is this and why can I not see you on my webcam?"

It was the doctor!

"My names Sherly and I am a companion of the Shepard. we're inter galactic and inter dimensional time travellers. we don't own a webcam of any form so you'll have no luck there."

I let out a sigh of relief no webcam, no chance the doctor would see us before the time was right.


The doctor paced around his tardis, trying to order the cascade of questions which filled his head.

"Ok then. I'll ask nicely just this once. please let me in so I can get a look at you." the doctor tried to sound threatening but it was difficult.

"That, I'm afraid is not in our control at the mo so if you could maybe just,um... return our power we would be quite thankful." Shepard had recovered from her fit of giggles and had relieved Sherly of the awkward conversation.

"Ha. do you take me for some kind of idiot. if I return power you'll simply few levers and break the hold of the tractor beam. open the door or I'll fire you into the nearest supernova."

"You really are an idiot if you attempt that," Shepard sighed, "you have a tardis. you should understand the doors locking system and as for flying off, this is a type 22, even with all energy diverted to the engines we couldn't pull away."

"Ok... just... just give me a minute."

Adventures of a hybrid time lady. ((discontinued))Where stories live. Discover now