Chapter 4

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('That guy's POV)

Chapter 4


Damn I wanted to know her name. Sigh.

Looking back I could see her friend pushing her towards a car. A few shops more till it was the cafe. I ordered my usual Americano and sat by the table beside the window. Leaves that were the hues of red and orange slowly fall. I looked at the time and I still had an hour left. Took a sip of my drink and admire the scenery.

Oh yes I did love the scenery as it was her. She was walking pass. I quickly went out the door and called her out.

"Hey wait up!" They still continued walking. But weird thing is that she was kept moving faster and faster. "Slow down girl, I'm not gonna hurt you." I said dryly.

Her sudden stop made me bump into her again. "I'm so sorry I didn't mean to stop suddenly." She smiled warmly while looking down.

"Its okay, I didn't catch your name back there. I'm Henry, Henry Willis." I held out my hand to her and smiled.

"Oh I'm Wednesday, Wednesday Johnson." She responded as she shook my hand.

"Wednesday, such a unique name." Her face flushed red. "Umm, do you wanna get some coffee sometime? I would like to know you better." She turned to her friend and they started whispering about something. She turned to face me, to her friend and to me again.

"Sure, are you free tomorrow?" she inquired with a warm grin.

"Thats great. Tomorrow it is. Meet me outside the cafe at 10? We can talk over breakast." She nodded and was dragged away by her friend. I couldn't help but smile.

(Wednesday's POV)

Just as we were about to reach the next shop, we walked pass a cafe. A voice called out behind us. I turned and saw him wave and walked towards us. I grabbed Carmen's hand a quickly moved further from him. I didn't want to see him but I wanted to see him.

" Wendy what are you doing? That hot guy seems interested in you. Go talk to him." She smirked and tugged my arm making me stop instanly.

I turned around and bam we bumped into each other again. This is so embarrassing. I sighed.

"I'm so sorry I didn't mean to stop so suddenly." I grinned at the floor embarrassingly.

He asked my name and my heart just melted as his voice was calm and smooth. I replied instantly. All i could focus on was his eyes, they were just beautiful. He even complimented my name. I almost hypervantilated.

My brain and my heart disagreed with each other. I don't know how but suddenly I had a date with him tommorrow morning. What.

After all those shopping I was exhuasted. I dragged myself home and had a quick shower. I ordered chinese food since I was lazy to cook dinner. I still couldn't believe I actually agreed to going out with someone I just met. I picked out a simple dress to wear and matching heels.

I grabbed my book and relaxed on my bed. While reading I dozed off with the book dropped to the floor.


I walked out of the shower and followed the amazing smell of roasted chicken. My tummy rumbled and I got nearer to the smell. I saw Henry taking the roasted chicken out of the oven. He smiled at me when he was me standing there. "Get dressed Sweety, dinner is ready."

I paced into my room and changed into t-shirt and jeans. He had the food served on the table and gestured me to sit oppsite him. I took a bite of the chicken and it was amazing. It melted in my mouth and I savoured every bit of it. After all the food had went into our stomachs, we sat on the couch. He placed his toned arm around my shoulder and pulled me closer into his embrace. I could hear my heart beating loud and fast.

He tilted my chin upwards to face him. He beamed at me and brushed his lips onto mine.


Thank you again for reading :)) Sorry again for the bad grammers and all.



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