Friends or Frost

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KILLER FROST: "Join me."

BARRY: (spluttering) "What?"

KILLER FROST: "Join me."

    Barry wasn't sure he heard her correctly. Join her. He certainly wanted to. He was so angry at team flash... but they were his friends. Sure things with Iris weren't going to be the same. He wondered what they might by thinking about. Were they thinking about him? No, of course they weren't they didn't care about him. Or did they. Was Killer Frost manipulating him to do what she wanted. But he did want to go with Caitlin - whether she was Killer Frost or not. He needs her. In a friendly way, he reminded himself. He couldn't decide. He wanted to be with Cait but he also wanted to be with his friends.

    Frost noticed this. She even expected this. She knew he would doubt his feelings and it was the best case scenario where he was torn, as much as she hated it. The other was he went to S.T.A.R LABS with his so-called friends. So she knew this was for the best but she needed to spur him on a bit. She had to reference the videos, as much as it hurt them. She had to push his negative feelings to the surface as much as she hated seeing the pain on his face.

KILLER FROST: "I'll give you five minutes to decide, don't worry, I'll be right here. If you think about going to those so-called friends of yours remember the footage."

    Frost knew this worked. She could see him breaking over this but it was forging him into something new. She could see steel being forged from the fire. She could see rigidity where he was previously broken. She knew this wasn't the last time he would break down over this but she would be able to comfort him then so it wouldn't be so bad. Frost felt worst about this. she had to break him and not be able to comfort him and make the pain go away. She had to pretend she enjoyed it. This broke her but she didn't show it. She had gotten good at that - hiding her emotions. It came with the job and the powers.

      Barry was conflicted down to the bone. He could remember all of the happy memories he had with Cisco and Wells (all three) and Wally, Joe and Iris. But he didn't feel happy about them anymore. He felt angry. Really angry. How could they even keep up this facade. How did it even form in the first place. He had repaired the damage from flashpoint except from Caitlin, who looked now stronger than ever. He could imagine ruling Central City side-by-side with her as allies stopping all who dared to oppose them. It made him happy for a moment. He suddenly forgot this as quickly as it came when he remembered his friends They didn't care about him. They didn't want him. They didn't need him. He now realised Caitlin needed him as much as he needed her. The only happiness from these memories was when Caitlin was looking after him but that was quickly replaced by anger again as he remembered his so-called friends.

   Flashpoint. Barry remembered it again or, more importantly, after flashpoint. Everyone hated for him for it. Most of team flesh couldn't even look at him. Everyone, meaning, everyone except Caitlin. She understood what happened, she comforted him when even Iris couldn't. And to think Iris called herself his girlfriend. She couldn't even look at him after he made a mistake at the height of his grief that he wasn't comforted enough for. Instead of comfort after his father's death he was thrown in a cell by everyone he held dear and cast away like no-one cared about him. No-one, again, except Caitlin. She looked either outvoted or regretting her decision. He was thrown away by everyone except Caitlin. He was now very, very angry at team flash. He had made his decision but first he needed to do something. See just how much team flash actually cared about him.

    She could see the anger written on his face. His whole team had betrayed him with lies and false emotions. That kind of pain you couldn't imagine. You needed experience. She had it and this made it feel even worse that she did this. When this happens you need someone by you to keep you sane. She had gotten used to that broken feeling in part but she knew you could never really heal you stayed partially broken and incorporated that into your new persona. That for her was Killer Frost and she liked the name Dark Flash for Barry once he accepted her deal. They would be partners on the job. On the job. She could hear Caitlin laugh at this in the back of her mind during one, final push to break free but, in the end, it was futile. With Dark Flash being so close Killer Frost could have won the battle whilst knocked out. Frost knew what he wanted to do. She wanted to confront his friends. She knew that this would end beneficial for her. They would rule Central City fighting false hero by false hero. If the flash could be turned no-one stands a chance.

KILLER FROST: "Go. Confront your friends." (She said friends with almost as much spite as Iris' name) "I won't freeze too much. Tick Tock."  

BARRY: "Take this and don't move unless I tell you to."

    Barry took a comms device and threw it at her. she caught it and then he said something that surprised Frost.

BARRY: "If you wanted to comfort me you should have done it"

    He playfully winked and smirked at her then turned to the door and , in a flash, he was gone. Frost knew where he had gone. He needed to see for himself how much team flash really cared for him. She knew he would be back. He always came back to her. She was still shocked at what he said. Her walls obviously weren't as thick as she thought they were. They must have thinned at the end when he started to reforge. She didn't realise to what extent it was that she was reason he reforged the way he did. She took this moment to finally break her walls down entirely and let her tears out. For the next four minutes she cried, every time she nearly stopped she could see his broken face and cried again. After the four minutes she finally composed herself ready to receive a message on the comms device.

BARRY (comm): (sadly)"I'm coming back. I have made my decision."

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