We held out hope

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Barry looked around the surroundings of his cell. After two weeks it had gotten boring sitting around looking at the walls of his cell.

BARRY: "Gideon what time is it?"

You see Caitlin visited at the same time every day, claiming that if she visited more than once then she wouldn't be able to keep herself away. He's had a visit or two from Cisco in the past two weeks but he's surprised that Kara or Oliver haven't been to see him.

GIDEON: "10:27 so it's not time for Dr Snow to visit. But Kara Zor-El is approaching the door. Shall I let her in?"

Perhaps Barry spoke too soon. But does he want to talk to Kara? In some ways he does... in some ways he doesn't. But if he doesn't let them in they'll know that he has control.

BARRY: "Gideon, let her in. And open the feed up. They'll probably try to watch and listen in."

GIDEON: "Yes Creator."

No longer than 5 seconds later the Kryptonian walked into the room. Meanwhile, in another room, Caitlin had locked her doors and had brought up the feed of the cell. She wanted to know what this Kryptonian wants with her boyfriend. Back in the cell room, Kara was worried about her friend.

KARA: "Hiya Barry."

Barry growled at her. That. Was. Not. His. Name! Only one person could call him that and it was not Kara. Yet... what else could he be called? He's not in his suit. He's not got his powers. He's just Barry Allen that they've locked in a cage. So he didn't say anything. He just sat there and wondered what Kara had to say.

KARA: "What the hell are you doing?! Are you thinking?! These people care about you. They love you yet you've just turned your back on them! How could you do that?!"

BARRY: "Are you finished? Ok, so I was spending some quality time with my girlfriend before I was thrown in a cage by you guys. And before then I was being avoided by my ex-fiance and ignored by those out there who claim to be my friends. So I'll ask you, What would you do? If there is one side with the one person who cares about you and one side where your being told it's the right side yet no-one cares about you till your gone, What would you do?"

Kara couldn't really say anything in response to that. She just stood their shocked. She couldn't believe that Barry had gone through all that. Barry sat back in his cell and laughed bitterly.

BARRY: "They didn't tell you did they. Everything is their fault. Every injury. Every death. Every thing I've taken. It's all their fault. They left me. They betrayed me. Caitlin is the only person I have left and, now I know how they feel, the only person I want left. Have fun trying to fix that."

    Kara couldn't listen to anymore and walked out of the room angrily. Iris had a date with her fist. Caitlin stopped looking at Barry's cell and went to find Kara before she did something she didn't want to. Best to save it up for the escape attempt she thought. Caitlin found her walking furiously through the Waverider.

CAITLIN: "I know what your thinking Kara but... don't do it."

KARA: "How would you know what I want to do?"

CAITLIN: "Because ever since he found out it had been my goal too. I wanted to take revenge on them with him for him. I know how he's feeling and how your feeling. Trust me when I say it doesn't end well."

KARA: "I know it doesn't end well but... how could Iris do that to him. I mean it's... its Barry."

    Caitlin briefly narrowed her eyes at Kara.

CAITLIN: "Wait... Kara... do you have a crush on my boyfriend!"

    Kara then realised what she said sounded like and suddenly backtracked.

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