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    A few hours later Frost returned to Barry and they both felt happier at the sight of each other. Frost came over and checked his wrist. It had healed so she let him know and he vibrated his hand so the ice cast melted. Frost cocked her head sideways and started walking t.hat way as a gesture for him to follow her. He did just that. No words were exchanged between the pair but as per usual they didn't need to. They always knew what the other was thinking (usually because they thought the same thing) and even if they didn't one second of eye contact between the pair cleared the air.

    Barry thought that they must be doing more training and he was right. Frost had set up multiple ice walls and they were for punching through. Frost just thought that she would be on standby, ready to patch him up if he broke something. She still doesn't know why she said she wouldn't years ago because she always did. Barry had an idea though. If Frost can control the ice - surely she can implode the walls as well as him punching them. There were two rows of ice walls that were set up so Barry voiced his thoughts.

BARRY: "I have an idea. Why don't I punch this row of walls, hopefully with my wrist intact..." they let out a small laugh "... and you can implode the other row of walls with your powers and we can see who destroys their walls first."

FROST: "So it's a race then, Mr Allen?" She smirked

BARRY: "Yes it is, Dr. Snow."

    They both blushed and got ready to start. Barry ran back to the other side of the warehouse, pulled his mask up and started vibrating. He now understands why the Reverse Flash did this. It was to anchor himself in this universe and this time. He got ready to run. Frost put her arms out and got ready to use her powers.

KILLER FROST: "Ready whenever you are Dark Flash."

THE DARK FLASH: "3, 2, 1, GO"

    The Dark Flash ran at the first wall and punched it. It shattered instantly. He had to stop an run back before he could punch the next one and that pot him at a disadvantage. Killer Frost for the first few walls just shot an icicle at it and the wall shattered. There were ten walls and each one was thicker that the last. For the other seven Killer Frost had to use her powers to pull the wall down into pieces. She focused on the centre of the wall with her arm outstretched and then pulled her arm back. This pulled the wall down and then she did the same again for the next wall. For the last three the Dark Flash had to adopt a new technique that would take a little more time. He was in the lead at the moment. He had to phase inside of the wall and continue vibrating until the wall melted - which didn't take too much time. But this technique was slower than Killer Frost. He melted the last wall... as she pulled down her last wall. It was a tie.

    Barry stopped vibrating and pulled his mask off again.She just glared at him which earned her a smirk back. She liked this new Barry Allen a lot more than the old one. He seemed a lot more dangerous than the old one. He had, after all, killed those bank guards. The Flash wouldn't have done that even if they were shooting at her. He had killed those bank guards for her and she liked it. The new Barry liked Killer Frost a lot more than Caitlin. The old Barry had dismissed Killer Frost and now the new one was killing for her.

BARRY: "Always so competitive Cait." 

FROST: "Always."

    Barry then walked over and pulled her in by the waist. They kissed passionately but then things went primal and you know what happened after that. They woke up the next morning in each other's arms and smiled to themselves. This was the new life they lead and they were happy about it because they has each other.

BARRY: "I think I stole too many matreses."

    Frost couldn't help but laugh at that. He could always make her laugh. She continued to bury herself in Barry and thought about what would happen in the future. They would be the rulers of Central City they would be the greatest criminals and the most powerful people in history. They would be unstoppable. They were each other's light in the dark. They would be there for each other even when they didn't need it. They would be each other's guide and back up. They would protect each other to the end. They would die for each other.

    To each other thy never really changed. They ere always Barry and Caitlin. Unstoppable. Inseparable. To the world they would be Killer Frost and the Dark Flash, the greatest criminals and most powerful people in history, but to each other in their most private moments they were Barry and Caitlin - with each other to the end.

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