Ch. 15- Playing with Fire

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“CODE RED!” Quinn screamed into the phone in the security room.
I began to become frantic as red lights began to flash and a siren went off. “Wait! Who is that?”
“A prisoner that has clearly escaped!” Quinn yelled as he rushed by me out of the room and down the hall. I followed him and he continued, “He is our worst inmate. Under maximum security. How could he have escaped?”
“But who is he!?”

We rounded a corner and Quinn ran straight into the chest of an incredibly imposing Dev. His eyes flaming a fierce red, and he was struggling to hold back Satan. His face was hard as he glared down at Quinn and I. His anger was so evident that it took all my will to not turn around and sprint in the opposite reaction.

Quinn coward in fear. “I... I don’t know, sir.”
“WELL, YOU BETTER FIND HIM AND BRING HIM BACK TO ME BEFORE HE LEAVES HELL, OR I WILL HAVE YOUR HEAD MOUNTED ON MY WALL!” Dev couldn’t control himself any longer. Horns and a tail appeared out of nowhere, and he held a red pitchfork to Quinn’s throat. In a low voice he hissed, “Now.”
Quinn’s eyes were as wide as a baseball, and he slowly started to back down the hallway, “Y...Y...Yes, Sir.” He turned around and sprinted full force in the opposite direction, leaving me alone with Satan. I looked at him warily, before I too took off down the hall after Quinn.

Outside the prison, all was in panic. Guards were lining up with large guns, preparing to head out for the search. Employees were running madly around the yard. Quinn was running for the gate, and I desperately sprinted after him--still trying to find out who it was that got loose and why it was so horrible. I saw Quinn run out of the gate, where large black wings folded out of his back and he took to the sky. I paused in confusion. How did Quinn have wings? Only angels had wings. Demons could fly but they most certainly did not have wings. But I could get to that later. I sprinted out of the gate and followed Quinn into the sky.

He was flying around crazily in the mountains, flying low and weaving in and out. “Quinn!” I shouted, trying to get his attention. “QUINN!”
Not stopping, he yelled, “WHAT?”
“Who is this guy!? Why is he so important!?”

Quinn didn’t respond to that one, he just flew ahead of me even faster. I flew through the air frantically, trying to keep up with Quinn; however, Quinn was flying too fast. I flew as fast as I could, but within a few minutes, he was gone. I could no longer see him through the mountains and haze.

I stopped flying and hovered in the air. Who is this guy? Why is he so important? Why does Quinn have wings? What the heck is going on? Anger and frustration was boiling inside of me. I was growing increasingly warm. So warm. I looked down and noticed I was completely in flames. My whole body down from my head to my toes were covered in hot, glowing fire.


I returned to my cold apartment, still hot from the flames. Sitting on the floor, I couldn’t help but let a few frustrated tears fall from my face. Sometimes I wish my life could just be easy. Tears continued to flow from my eyes.

One of my followers, Joe, entered the room. Seeing that I was on the floor in tears, he came over and sat next to me on the floor. He slid his arm around me and held me gently for a few moments.

“Do you want to talk about it?”
I rested my head on his shoulder and took a deep breath. “No. I just want to forget.”
“Do you want to go do something?”
Looking up at him, a newfound spark lit within me. “I think I have a better idea.”

He looked down at me puzzled. Looking up at him, I put my hand softly on his cheek and smiled. I put my other arm around his neck and pulled him down to me, our lips softly touching. The kiss was nothing special--a normal, wet, cold kiss. I felt his hands gently drape around my waist, pulling me closer to him.

As he slowly got more involved in the kiss, his tongue pushed into my mouth and started curiously searching my mouth. He did it in such a loving way, I couldn’t help but reciprocate. His strong arms pulled me up onto his waist, so I was straddling him. Underneath me, I could feel his growing excitement. My hands gently framed his face as we continued our kiss.

Joe’s hands began to roam. They slid up the back of my shirt. I could feel their warmth and they caressed my skin. I took the chance to slide my hands gently down his chest. Stopping just before his large excitement. He removed my hands from under my shirt and touched my hands, urging them to continue their quest downwards.

At that moment, two of my other followers, Tim and Noah, walked into the room. I looked up at them annoyed, wanting to continue my fun with Joe. Tim and Noah awkwardly shuffled back on forth with their hands in their pockets. I looked at them, waiting for them to reply.

“Well? Can I help you?”
Tim took a step forward, “You had a visitor while you were gone.”
Noah coughed nervously, “Well... Uhm...”
A man entered the room from where Time and Noah had just entered. “Hello, Katrina.”
I looked at the oddly familiar man. “Do I know you?”
The attractive man laughed, “I’m not surprised you don’t remember me. I haven’t seen you since you were a young child.”
“Wait... wait... I know you. Uhm... Were you a friend of my mom? Uhm... what was your name? A....Austin!?”
“Ahhh. So you do remember me,” he said smiling.
“What are you doing here?”
He sat down on the chair across the room and stared at me for a long time before responding. “I have a message to deliver from the office of God.”
I stood up, “Well, I don’t want it!”
“You are being honored for helping return the chosen one.”
“Huh? Helping? Chosen one? Wait? You mean the man at the prison?”
“Who is he?”
“You mean... you saved him, and you do not know?”
“I didn’t mean to... Just who is he?”
“Sweet, sweet, Katrina. How could you not know?”
“TELL ME NOW!” I said flames bursting from my mouth.”
“Ahh, I see your power of flames are coming in nicely, and clearly your love making power works. What about the rest of them?”
“Rest of them?”
“Rest of your powers?”
“You mean I have more?”
Austin started laughing loudly. He immediately stopped once he saw my very confused face. “You seriously haven’t discovered the rest of your powers yet? They are suppose to come in by the time you are 21. You are 22 now, right?”
“Yea... But I haven’t noticed any other powers...”
“Hmmm... Strange. I don’t think your sister has developed all of hers either...Probably because you have grown up so far away from Heaven. More incentive for you to come to the honors ceremony?”
“... I do not want to go.”
“But Katrina, looks like you have to. The ceremony is this Sunday. Hope to see you there,” Austin said, abruptly leaving the apartment.

I fell down on the couch. I have more powers? Who did I help? I really do not want to go to that ceremony. Joe, Tim, and Noah came and sat down next to me on the couch. Joe once again put his arm around me.

“Do you want to talk about it?”
I smiled slyly at him. “I have a better idea.”

I grabbed Joe and pulled him down into a fierce kiss. After a few seconds, I pushed him off of me and grabbed Tim’s thigh, while I grabbed Noah into a kiss. My hands pulled Tim’s shirt off, and I rubbed my hands over his perfectly sculpted abs. Joe grabbed the bottom of my shirt and started tugging my shirt over my head.

I awoke several hours later, laying on my bed with Joe, Tim, and Noah cuddling around me.

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