Chapter 4

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"Heads up!" Somebody screamed, causing me to snap out of my thoughts and look up, a soccer ball was coming right my way.

I let my first instinct take over, my leg swooped in the air, kicked the ball to the side and somehow managed to get a goal.

What the hell? I thought things like that only happened in TV shows.

It was soccer, I was standing by myself near the enemy goal while everyone else was head-on in the game, some treating it like the Olympics. Silence was greeted by my score before a whoop of cheering erupted from my team, which also consisted of that god damned Mark.


Karma you bitch.

"Danny, you've been holding out on me, mate! There are soccer trials this weekend. You should totally join up!" Mark yelled at me, slapping my back.

The contact made my skin tingle with electricity, "Nah. I don't think I want t-"

"He'd love to!" Kelli interrupted, somehow appearing right next to me and grabbing my arm, speaking up in my place which earned a death glare. One she returned with her own stern look, making a bead of sweat trickled down my forehead.

"I said Danny would love to sign up for the soccer team." Kelli repeated, looking right at Mark dreamily and fluttering her eyelashes.

"Uh. Cool, and do you have something in your eye? You're blinking a lot." Mark said, even though he could tell Kelli was bringing on the flirt.

This earned a laugh from her, and many of the other girls, all of whom laughed at every single thing that came out of Mark's perfect mouth.

"Back to the game!" Coach Trent yelled at us, blowing the whistle as the team took up their position.

"Kelli. What the hell, I'm trying to get away from that guy!" I hushed at her.

"No. You're going to be around him as much as possible, you need some romance in life, especially since you won't hook up with my friends. You're making my dating-games really boring, you know? Wow Danny, give me something I can work with." She huffed.

I rolled my eyes, "Well excuse me for not having a crush on anyone."

"That's okay, I'll make you love someone soon."

Oh dear, that look in her eyes. I didn't like it.

Kelli could also be described as a demonic Aphrodite, which she kind of was. Or Cupid, but more likely to shoot you in the ass if you didn't fall in love.

I sighed, getting ready as the ball was passed from teammate to teammate, whizzing by.

Seriously, how the hell could Mark be amazing at sport, conversations, comebacks and girls? It was so confusing.

But then again I was usually confused, the only person I understood was Kelli. Sometimes.

By the end of the game I looked at the scores.

Of course we had won, completely smashing the other team with 18-5 points.

Sorry, they never really had a chance.

After many rude words spoken, everyone was filing out the door to get to the change rooms, finally it was the end of the day!

I whipped off my sport shirt, scurrying around in my bag for my original shirt, the good thing about this school was that there was no uniform, that's something I liked.

Just before I put my original shirt on I felt a finger brush my chest, "nipple" I heard Mark point out at a really high-pitched childish voice, making me laugh and blush at the same time.

"Seriously, what's your problem. You stutter and you blush a lot, and then you're good at soccer. Can't you be like normal guys?" Mark asked me, sighing and ruffling his dark red-brown hair.

"Why are you nice to me? If I was anyone else you'd say something like 'hah. You look like a sissy. You've got no twelve pack!' Or something." I asked and muttered.

"Yeah well the only reason I am nice to you is because I know it teases and annoys you more then me being mean to you. And it's funny whenever you blush and get all awkward, like a little flower." Mark laughed.

"Can you put a s-shirt on?" I asked reluctantly, only now realizing he was standing in front of me, half naked.

"Why, is my sexiness bothering you?" He asked, a playful glint in his eye.

I flushed, "No!"

Marks mouth then spread into a cheeky smirk, putting one hand in his hip, "Do you," he started, placing the other hand on his hip, "find this" he continued on, then shooting both arms in the air in a classic cheerleader pose, I should know since I've watched over Kelli's cheerleading practices. "Distracting?" He finished, flexing his abs.

Wait. Don't look at his abs!

"Stop it!" I squealed like a girl, my face going a deep crimson.

"Awww!! You're blushing. Cute kid!" He smiled, ruffling my hair like I was his younger sister or something.

"I'm not a kid! I'm two years younger then you!" I spoke up defiantly, eyes glistening with a challenge.

"Yeah, but I'm more developed then you." He said, raising an eyebrow, "I think." He added, making me blush even harder and start stuttering gibberish.

"Aha. Whatever, I'll put a shirt back on, I'm sweating more bullets then a stripper in church!" He exclaimed, making me shove my shirt on, grab my bag and run out the door, right into my next trap.


Who was evilly laughing as she grabbed my hand, dragged me away from gym and to the bus stops, singing one word, "Shopping"

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