Chapter 2

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I walked into my math class and sat at the back of the room where I always was, casting a swift glance around the place.

That new guy wasn't in my class.

Oh thank god.

However news of the new kid was bubbling around, a group of slutty, teenage, hormonal girls sat in one corner, doing each other's hair and applying extra coats of makeup; "Did you see that new guy? Like OMG! I would totally want him for myself! Of coarse, only if you didn't like him." One of the girls added dryly to her best friend.

Their names were Clair and Jessica. I didn't like them. I didn't like people in general.

"Now now class. Settle down." My teacher said, she was quite scary. With a face like a vulture, her eyes like a spider. These were all metaphors of coarse, I don't think they would allow a mutant teacher to teach maths to students.

To be honest I didn't like this teacher, her way of explaining equations was stupid, not making any sense and in the end confusing me more then necessary, making me bomb my tests. I didn't exactly care, but my parents did.

About half way into class we were interrupted by a loud band of the door as it slammed into the wall, a figure was standing in it.

"Uh... Is this Miss Cle- whatever's class?" The boy asked.

Unfortunately I recognised him instantly. It was the new kid.

I felt my face flush all over again and quickly hid behind my math book, although I could see everything in the corner of my eye.

"Yes. I am Miss Cleveratara. Who are you?" She asked curtly, eyeing him and probably deciding the best way to eat him. Salted of unsalted.

"The name's Mark. Mark Zachary at your service" the new guy- Mark- said, before eyeing the teacher and saying, "or maybe not."

There was a few giggles in the class, with an extremely annoyed teacher.

"Mr. Zachary, I suggest you take a seat at the back of the class and behave yourself." Miss Cleveratara said, clearly annoyed.

"Miss C, I suggest you use soap, I can smell the stench of your cats from here." He said before turning and walking down the isle, nodding at a few guys and winking at some girls. I swear one was about to faint.

Am I surrounded by idiots? Answer: yes.

Of coarse, fate made Mark sit right next to me, as it was the only spare chair.

"Hey. Kid. I know you, are you going to be a good boy and do the work for me?" He pleaded.

"Do it yourself." I grouched back, pissed that he referred to me as 'kid'. Dude, we go to the same school. And I was around 2 years younger then him. Not 10!

"Come on, man." He asked again, although I could tell he didn't care either way. He was just dying to tease me until I blush.

"Nah." I replied.

Surprisingly he shrugged, unzipped his bag and pulled out some headphones, sticking them in his ear and cranking the volume right up.

I was seriously surprised he wasn't deaf. Unfortunately for him Miss C -as he called her- had ears like bats.

In one swift movement she had craned her neck around like an owl, she was all animal and no human. Even though human was technically an animal...

"Mr. Zachary, I hear music." She declared.

"Yeah, so do I." Was his swift answer, greeted by a row of laughter throughout the 7-10 students. I bet the college and Uni students wished he was in their classes. They would all have a blast. Literally, starting with blowing up the school.

"Detention, Mr. Zachary!" She hissed, her jaws like wolfs.

She really was creepy. Creepy and mad. I could practically see her strangling Mark then and there.

"You think you're funny, do you?" She asked.

Oh man this is going to be good!

He stared at her in the eyes, which a lot of people can't manage without shitting themselves.

"Yes. However there is no need to be jealous, I'm sure at least someone has liked you, despite your lifeless and humourless personality. Maybe a cat." He answered with a shrug.

Okay, I couldn't help but laugh.

He looked over at me, surprised. So did everyone else, the quiet, socially awkward, average boy, me, Danny, had just laughed my ass off in the middle of maths.

Sorry but my self control completely abandoned me.

"Mr. Lowell...?" She growled, using my last name to greet me. She was old fashioned... And old. With her red hair turning grey, permanent frown lines plastered on her forehead with not the trace of any smile creases. Or smiles.

She never smiled. I would believe she never has.

"Miss Cleveratara." I replied.

"Do you want a detention?" She asked me.

"No ma'am." I replied politely.

"Then shut your trap." She hissed.

"Wow Miss, I thought you of all people would have the dignity to not be a hypocrite. It's your own damn fault he is back talking you, if you had shut your mouth this whole time you would've had a slither of your pride left." I snapped, causing wide eyes from many members of the class. But Miss Cleveratara's face was priceless. Her mouth was a thin line while her eyes widened to a fish, making it really hard for me to not laugh.

"Detention. Both of you." She hissed to me and Mark before writing math questions on the board.

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