Chapter 4: The Beginning of the End

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//Much longer chapter this time! should be less errors too! sorry for the previous ones. x.x//

The next few days went by quickly as Oriel was getting ready for her coronation, rehearsing and picking out her coronation dress. She heard that Aster only got a few months for his transgressions against her even with her being the Princess. Oriel wasn't too upset though, but she knew Ash wasn't happy about it. She had sensed anger in the humans' voice when she told her what happened.

Oriel looked over to a brimming Ash, turning away from her models standing in her living room. She was in the middle of figuring out which dress she wanted to wear even though her mother urged her to wear the traditional one. "It's alright, Ash, thanks for letting me know." The blonde nodded before going quiet again and Oriel turned back to her models, motioning for them to twirl. She favored the center model with red hair. She wore a large black gown with gold seams and a gold sash to go with it. But she also liked the dress her brunette model wore. It was another large gown that was red and black with diamond details and lastly on the right of the redhead was the traditional gown. It was a boring medieval gown, white and gold and was also corseted. Oriel tilted her head to the side as she chose the red and black one. Her mother sighed, looking over to her. "Oriella."

"Mother, whose coronation is this?" Oriel snapped back and flipped her hair over her shoulder as she picked the brunette girl. The women nodded and turned to leave the room to change. "I know whose it is but dear, that dress has been in the family for centuries. Your sister wore that dress, I wore it and so should you." Oriel shook her head, glancing over at Ash so she knew they were leaving the room. Her mother sighed as she watched them descend the stairs. "Well alright, I'm going back to the hotel. Call if you need anything, I know you'll do great tomorrow."

"Thank you, mother." Oriel called and walked into the room, Ash following behind. The coronation would be taking place Saturday before New Year's Eve and Oriel was glad, hoping that maybe she'd be able to go to another party or at least try to go before classes would start on that next Tuesday.

"Why didn't you like the dress your mother picked out?"

Ash asked, closing the door behind them. Oriel took a seat on her bed, turning her TV on. "Because its old and out of date, Ash, way out of date. I can't wear that to my coronation. I'm not some 1600's queen. I'm the next 2018 Queen of North America." She grinned to herself, glancing at her body guard. "I thought it was gorgeous, vintage and classy. I think it would look stunning on someone like you, if I may your highness." Ash stated, clasping her hands together in front of her. Oriel blushed deeply, looking down to text Natalie back about New Years. "Oh, well.." Oriel shrugged, shrinking down on her bed as she looked to the TV. Oriel was amazed how Ash's comment made her feel. It was like she was flying. "Er, thanks." She swallowed, her eyes trained on the television.


Things were hectic the next day as Oriel woke up early to get ready. A team of makeup artists and hair stylists had come in to help her and her protection team was on high alert. She quickly drank breakfast from a blood bag as they did her hair and soon she walked into another room to put her dress on. Ash was instructed to wait outside the door as they dressed her up. Oriel watched as they pulled out the black and red gown and she hesitated and swallowed. "Um, no, please get the other one." She instructed her maid. "Which one, m'lady?"

"The vintage, classy one."

Her maid nodded and pulled out the centuries old dress and helped Oriel into it. She tied the back up tight and Oriel winced. She sucked in a deep breath as she stared at herself in the mirror and smiled at herself. Her hair was in a curly up-do mirroring her mother's black curls. She wore a pair of golden heels and her makeup was neutral for this event. Maybe, it does look good on me, she thought and twirled one last time. She turned from the mirror to leave then, her maid carrying her train and she left the room. Oriel smiled as Ash's mouth fell open at the sight of her. "What do you think?" Oriel winked before walking ahead, Ash following behind her maid. "Gorgeous." Oriel barely heard her say and she blushed deeply, hurrying down the stairs and out to the limo.

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