Chapter Two

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Ravenkit couldn't sit still.

He was right outside the nursery, lined up with his littermates, watching as the Clan mingled around, murmuring to each other, enjoying morning prey or sharing tongues. Jaykit was also shifting, while Blossomkit was just sitting with her chest puffed, light green eyes shining.

"We're gonna be the best apprentices ever, you know," she told them smugly. "All of us training together, learning to fight and hunt together--we'll be unstoppable." Her tail flicked.

Ravenkit gave a numb nod, his mind elsewhere. He hadn't told his littermates that he was becoming a medicine cat yet, nor his father, though his mother did know, he had confided in her. He didn't know if he would lose his sisters and brother when they found out he wouldn't be training with them or sharing a den with them, and it scared him.

What will happen after I get my new name? He wondered. But, he didn't get the chance to think anymore about it.

"Will all cats able to hunt for their Clan come to me for a Clan meeting!" Acornstar's call rang through the cool air, her brownish-ginger coat flashing as she leaped onto the pile of rocks that sat in between the medicine cat's den and her own den, putting her in a position so she could see all her cats.

"It's almost time!" Willowkit squeaked and quickly began brushing down her side fur, and Snowfern purred in satisfaction, while Blossomkit let out a mrrow of amusement and disrespect.

"Oh, it's not gonna matter! You'll fluff it out soon!" The she-kit gave her short white fur a heavy shake, allowing it to ruffle up. Ravenkit looked at his mother, and he saw in her eyes that she clearly disapproved, but she had given up long ago to keep Blossomkit under control. She was too tiresome to always deal with.

"Be respectful, Blossomkit," Snowfern hissed under her breath as the Clan finished gathering in front of their leader.

"Will Snowfern and her litter approach?" Acornstar called, and the graceful white and black queen stood up and headed forward, her four kits following. Ravenkit walked calmly beside his mother, Jaykit was next to him with a puffed out chest, and Willowkit was bouncing excitedly next to him. Blossomkit had already raced ahead and was pacing impatiently near Acornstar's rock.

The Clan stared at her with narrowed eyes, clearly disrupted by her... "enthusiasm," but she seemed not to notice. Boulderclaw, their father, stepped towards her and blocked her way, leaning down to whisper in her ear. Ravenkit strained to hear as they stopped next to them, but his father had stopped talking. Blossomkit seemed irritated, lashing her tail, but stood near her mother silently, her eyes hard.

"Thank you all for gathering," Acornstar called, dipping her head, though her amber-brown eyes didn't move from Blossomkit's frame. "Blossomkit, Willowkit, Jaykit, and Ravenkit, you all have gone through six moons of your life, and it is time for you to gain your new names."

Jaykit stood tall, Blossomkit's eyes sparkled, Willowkit flicked her tail, while Ravenkit swallowed, trying to calm his racing heart. Was he still going to apprenticed to Mossrain?

"Blossomkit, you will now be named Blossompaw; Jaykit, you will be Jaypaw; Willowkit, you will be Willowpaw; and Ravenkit, you will be Ravenpaw." She dipped her head to each of them in turn. "Maskdapple!" Acornstar called into the crowd.

After a moment, the pretty senior warrior emerged, her tortoiseshell-and-white coat glowing, and the sun bounced off the black mask on her eyes and muzzle that gave her her name. She walked with grace, her green eyes powerful and calm. Ravenpaw watched the muscles as they rippled under her short pelt, with her thick sturdy legs looking like she could jump up the side of the cliff that made the back of their camp.

(Outdated) Warriors: Clouded Skies #1 - The First StormWhere stories live. Discover now