Chapter Fifteen

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Rowanpaw was frozen in shock and fury. Aspenheart, the she-cat that abandoned her kits, her Clan, her friends, was right here in front of him, acting like she had done nothing wrong. His claws dug into the ground, his muscles tightening. All he wanted to do was leap at her, but then a pelt brushed against his side. He recognized the feel and scent of Hazelfur but didn't turn to look at her.

The warrior's breath ruffled his ear as she murmured, "I hate her, too, but they have water and a chance to get more prey. Save your anger and let us get stronger first. For Emberheart," she added when he looked ready to argue. He forced a nod and shook his fur lightly, trying to get it to stop bristling, but he couldn't make himself sheathe his claws.

He cast his gaze around, surveying the area, and he immediately noticed eyes shining from the bushes. One cat emerged, a dark ginger tabby tom with guarded amber eyes, but he said nothing and stayed crouched by a pool of sparkling water.

"Birchsplash..." Aspenheart said again, taking a small step towards her old apprentice. Rowanpaw was angered when the young white and black didn't step away but instead moved closer. "You're truly alive...?"

"Of course I am," he responded. "So are Emberheart and Hazelfur." He looked back at his sisters, and Rowanpaw was little happier when neither made a move to go forward. Fury flared in his stomach when Birchsplash touched noses with his old mentor. "I didn't think you would've made it this long, and with more kits." He nodded to the small she-kits watching them with wide eyes from behind Rohan's legs, partly hidden by some ferns.

"They're a blessing..." she replied, looking over at them with eyes soft and loving. Rowanpaw snorted.

Good thing they're all she-cats--if there was a tom, she would've abandoned him by now. Who knows, maybe she did have a tomkit, but had neglected him. He wouldn't be surprised. His tail tip flicked, his neck fur rising slightly, though he forced it back down for Emberheart.

"Birchsplash..." Aspenheart looked at the tom with a scared gaze. "Blazekit and Ratkit... what happened to them?"

He gave a soft purr. "They're both great apprentices." Rowanpaw waited for the black-blotched tom to look at him and announce he was Ratpaw, but he didn't even look in his direction. "What about Lavenderkit?"

Aspenheart sighed and looked at her paws. "She died of thirst. It wasn't long after I left, just a few days. I carried her for what seemed like forever until we got here." She looked over near the water, where Rowanpaw noticed some soil with grass beginning to grow on it. Was his sister really buried right there?

"How did you know to come here?" Birchsplash inquired, then he suddenly broke out into a hoarse cough.

Rowanpaw's head turned to a silver tabby she-cat appearing from the shadows. She had white on her belly, chest, muzzle, and paws, though it was stained a pale gray from the soot in the air. "Let them drink, first." Her blue eyes were kind and she nodded to the back of the garden where the water was. Another cat had appeared, a ginger she-cat with paler belly, chest, and paws. Her yellow eyes glowed with curiosity.

Emberheart let out a grateful sigh, then headed forward, leaning her head down to take a drink. "Wait." Hazelfur hurried forward and stood next to her sister, then she lowered her muzzle to the water and took a few laps. She licked her muzzle, then looked at her sister and nodded. "It's fine."

"Thanks," Emberheart sounded a little sarcastic, then she began to drink. Birchsplash came up next to her to take his share, and Rowanpaw wanted to follow, his throat screaming with pain. He was longing the taste of cool water running down his throat, but Aspenheart had turned to look at him.

"Are you going to drink, too?" she mewed politely.

He held in a growl, then stalked forward and slipped against Emberheart's side. "She's acting so innocent..." he hissed under his breath, moving forward and taking a lick of water. He groaned as it washed over his parched tongue, feeling amazing, though it hurt when it hit his empty stomach.

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