Chapter Eight

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"It seems wrong..." Willowpaw whispered softly, staring over at Berrywhisker's limp body with misty eyes. Ravenpaw nodded in silent agreement with his sister. When he had awoken from his dream he expected the skies to be crying for the loss of the elder, but instead, the air was warm and the sun was bright as it disappeared into the trees. The wind was soft and twisting his fur, filling his lungs to the point he felt as light as air.

But his heavy heart kept him down. He felt awful about losing Berrywhisker, but after seeing her in StarClan, happy and with her mate, he knew she would love it more there. It was his father that troubled him. Boulderclaw and Silverstrike had been with Berrywhisker when she died, and afterward, Ravenpaw's father disappeared into the forest and hasn't returned. His mother was currently out looking for him.

"She was amazing," he heard a cat murmur and looked up to see Silverstrike standing next to Grayblaze. The large gray tom hadn't spoken since he got back from a hunt to find his mother had passed to StarClan, though it was clear he was angry with himself. He had denied going to see his mother and hadn't been there when she passed.

It was his choice, Ravenpaw thought direly, and immediately felt bad about it. Grayblaze hadn't known, only Ravenpaw did; it was his fault. He should've tried harder with the senior warrior and not given up after one try.

"How are you?" a mew said above him, and he looked up to see Featherpaw standing there, her eyes soft and curious. She sat gracefully, her tail curling around her dark paws. "I remember losing a kin member — my mother's sister," she added after Ravenpaw tilted his head. "She was really nice and played with me often. She died when you were maybe a moon old."

"Oh... I'm sorry." Ravenpaw looked at his paws, growling at himself for being so awkward. Why couldn't have a normal conversation without making someone feel sad? It was like a curse. She was only eight moons old, but she always seemed so calm and collected, almost like an older warrior.

"It's fine," Featherpaw mewed, blinking softly. "I miss her, but she's in StarClan, and I know she's enjoying herself; being forever young, never running out of energy, watching over her Clan for moons upon moons..." The dark red tabby's eyes glowed with memories.

Ravenpaw stayed quiet, and Featherpaw bid him goodbye with a nod of her head, then she stood and walked away, flicking her tail happily. He was tempted to call her back to ask her to stay with him but shook it away when he saw his mother appearing from the camp entrance, jumping up from the rocky pathway that led down to the forest. 

He jumped up and hurried over, sensing her fear before he even got close. "Where's Boulderclaw?" he mewed, stopping in front of her, and his mother sighed, dropping her head and shaking it side from side.

"I found him by the river, but he wanted to be alone. I know he wants some peace and quiet to think things over." Her eyes sparkled with sadness. "He was so young when his father died, but he was the same back then; he always wanted to be alone to mourn."

Ravenpaw looked down at his paws. He always knew his father to be such a brave, courageous, wise warrior, and he wondered how he hadn't thought of this before. He had never thought about his father getting sad or mournful, it had always seemed impossible. I guess even the strongest can feel weak sometimes, he thought and looked up at his mother.

"Will he come back?" Fear filled his body with the thought of Boulderclaw staying overnight in the forest, alone in the cold where enemies could be lurking.

"Oh, of course," Snowfern answered immediately, moving forward and brushing her cheek against her son's. "He'll be back soon, I promise. He just deals with his grief alone, but he'll return for the vigil."

(Outdated) Warriors: Clouded Skies #1 - The First StormWhere stories live. Discover now