Chapter 2: What the

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   Zane's POV

I turned the TV back on and the colorful pony's appeared once again. I sat down next to kawaii~chan to the MLH.

Then after about 20 minutes of just watching TV this happened.......

Then after about 20 minutes of just watching TV this happened

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I don't know what it was I just kissed her. I don't like her or........Do I.

Kawaii~chans POV

Zane~Semp....KUN! I did it again UGH but......He kissed me what. I'm blushing why is kawaii~chan blushing. She likes Reese~Sempai not Zane~kun. Don't I. I'm confused now.

"I'm sorry kawaii~chan. I don't kno..." He was cut off by me kissing him again. He didn't pole away but he kissed back.

Zane's POV

What just happened. It happened again. But why. "W-What was that for" I asked obviously confused. "Why is Zane~Sempai asking kawaii~chan when he did it first." Kawaii~chan blurred then covered blushing face with her hands

Sempai. "Did you just call me Zane~Sempai not kun" I asked. She shook her head yes then covered more of her face. "I like you" she spoke but it was to quiet for me to hear. "What did you say kawaii~chan." I asked once again.
"I like you" she spoke again but still to quiet for me to hear so I asked one more time and she yelled" I LIKE YOU!" She then covered her face with her shirt.

I poled her head up and asked" will you go on a date with me."

Kawaii~chans POV

D-did he just ask me in a date. After that there was a long pause until kawaii~chan finally said" of corse Kawaii~chan will Zane~Sempai. Can I call you sempai?" I asked him nicely. "Yes you may." He said. After he said that I screamed from happiness.

I gave him my phone number and he gave me his. I told him to meet me at the mystreet mall tomorrow at 3:30pm. When I went back to my house i was happier then normal. "Ware were you kawaii~chan." Katelyn said as her and Aphmau were sitting on the couch watching "Once Opon A Time" In the living room.

"NOWARE" I screamed as I ran up to my room.

Katelyn's POV
"That was weird" I said to Aphmau. "Well that's kawaii~chan for you. Tomorrow I will fallow her and find out what she's hiding." That was a good idea. I think I will come to but until then imma watch TV.

Hey you made it this fare! Congratulations person that is reading this. I know this chapter was pretty cheesy but some people think cheese is funny. Those people would me😂 the word count was 454. Goodbye every people

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