chapter 14: yep

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Aphmau's POV

I don't even. What?!?! "In what did you say Zane!" I said with a b oily g smile on my face. "I um...haha..." He said running into his cabin. "WOOOOOOOOOHHHH!" Me Katelyn Garroth and Lorance scream as the door of Kawaii~Chan and Zane's cabin.

"Well um that just happened!" Aaron said sitting down. "Your telling me!" Lucinda said rosting a marshmallow.  "They said I love you. THEY SAID I LOVE YOU!" I screamed jumping up and down. "I know right! That really just happened!" Katelyn said all giddy.
Zanes POV

"Whoops!" KC said sitting at the table. "Lets go out and explain it to everone. I already heard the screams." I said standing up. We both went outside nervously. "There you are. Could you tell us what that was." Lucinda said starring at us happily. "Um thats why I told you guys to go a head of us. I told her I loved her." I said starring at the ground embarrassed.

Later Aaron told another scary story. "A long time ago there was a family of five that lived in these woods. A mom dad teen 10year old and a 2yearn old. They have a pod in there back yard that they swim in all the time. It was late in the afternoon and thay were swimming. But someone was missing......The youngest boy!" Aaron yelled as KC git closser to me. "They looked for months but they could not find the little boy. After 3 months of looking, they gave up. Until they looked out there window and saw the boy dead stuck in some vines. After that day they slowly started to disappear until it was just the mom left. She got a knoke on the door. She opened the door to see her dead son standing in front of her. HI mamma! He said as he stabed her! If you listen you will still hear her scream bloody murder!" Aaron yelled as Aph KC Katelyn Nicole Cadenca and Lucinda screamed all together.

"Oww! Well your story works Aaron!" Garroth yelled over the screames of the girls.

Hey I hope you like the scary story I put in. Its a story that me and my friends tell eachother all the time so it was easy. The sory cound today would be 391. Goodbye every people!

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