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"Hello world!"

That's exactly how I start every morning. With the same greeting, same routines and same life. A life where I am contented with. I'm always outgoing, extroverted, and very friendly. I smile, not because to hide the pain inside, because to let everyone know that I can! That I can smile through the hardships and obstacles in life! That I can smile to get to the finish line!

And that is me, Kate Wills.

"What is for breakfast?" I muttered to myself while making my bed. "Pancakes, Egg, Coffee? I can't choose!" I sat on my couch and patted my pet cat, Rubrub. "I might as well feed you, Rub." I said as I reached for the cat food above the fridge. "Okay, be a good boy and don't make a mess, okay? Kate is going buy some food too!" I said as I left the room.

The hallway was quite empty. Well, it was 7:30 so, it's not really that unusual. I got in the elevator and pressed for the ground floor. I had lived in this dorm for a few weeks now. Peaceful. My neighbors are friendly and very hospitable. The apartment itself is big, and it's the closest to the university.

The elevator dings and opens. "Good morning, Ms. Wills! Always the early bird, huh?" The landlord's son, Earl Peters, said. "Aren't you getting used to it?" I joked. He was a few years younger than me and kinda like my little brother. "Oh, I'm getting used to it." Carlton Peters, the landlord said. The Peters -especially Carlton Peters- are very strict when you're new around here. But since I've been here for three weeks, they changed their attitude towards me.

"Oh, good morning Mr. Peters." I greeted him. "Just going out to eat breakfast. Bye!" I waved goodbye at the two and continued my little walk.

I got out of the apartment and smiled as I felt the cool breeze of the fresh air through me. It was refreshing and relaxing.

I went to an old friend's restaurant at the corner called 'Daniel's Breaks and Lunches' and ordered Egg on Pancake and Brown Coffee w/ Whipped Cream. For me, it was the usual.


"I'm back, Rubrub!" I said and the cat greeted me with a purr. I looked around to check my room if there was scratches on the walls. Apparently, there was none. "This is because I gave you breakfast before I left is it?" Another purr for an answer. This is life. This is THE life. This is the life that I wanted. I thought as I smiled to myself.

And before I knew it, the lock on my door is tilting to open itself.

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