Chapter 88: Storytime

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I stared in shock at the papers in front of me. This house, these things, those people in the picture they were all connected to my mate. This was the place where she had been born and raised for a little while anyway. If any place was going to have answers it would be here, in this hidden office that presumably belonged to Ecstan.

I grabbed the stack of pages that I assumed were a book that Elinn's Dad had been working on. I had no idea if it was finished or if it had anything to do with my mate, but if there was any chance that it contained helpful information I was going to start reading.

This is the story of the first werewolves to ever walk the Earth. The true story has been lost over the centuries, names forgotten, pieces left out, blame placed where they shouldn't have been any. I am hoping that this book will help to correct this misinformation, though I mainly make it for one selfish reason. I have written this book for my daughter, so that she may know the true story of her heritage and understand the strength and power that runs through her veins.

It all began long ago in a time that only four or five people can now remember. The world was a dark place, the sun seemed to never rise and the night sky ruled over us. There was always fighting and violence, nowhere seemed safe and hope, trust, and love had all but vanished from existence. Wars were fought over misunderstandings, women, food, any excuse someone could come up with.

A small group of people decided that they did not want to fight anymore. They wanted to live in a place filled with peace and comfort. A place where you could live with your family without the constant fear of death and destruction hanging over your head. So they left one day when most of the people were fighting for some reason or another and went in search of a land to call their own.

After a few days, they came across a valley that had been relatively untouched by men. The trees were tall and green, not dying from the constant smoke of fires. Grass covered the dirt, untouched by warriors shoes. It was the perfect place for them to start over.

Soon the land was prospering, there were crops growing, houses being constructed. No one had to fear that their neighbor might try and attack them in the night. For the first time in a long time, they were safe.

After a few years of peace, war found them again. The people they had left had been searching for them and had finally found them. They began to pillage the town and kill those who only wished to live without fighting.

A young man, only twenty at the time, knew that his people were going to perish. He decided that he wasn't just going to stand by and watch this happen. He got down on his knees and cried out to whoever was listening.

"Please, my people, my friends, my family, they are being punished for their need to have safety. Whoever is out there, please, give us strength or send us someone to protect our people." The man begged as he watched the village around him burn.

The creator of the Earth and all its inhabitants heard the young man. The Moon Goddess looked down at him and saw the torment and anguish surrounding him. She was displeased by the behavior of her creations and decided that she should indeed help the young man.

So she bestowed upon him a special gift, one that would help him to protect those he loved. She granted him the ability to transform into a wolf, as well as giving him a wolf conscious so that he would be able to know what to do with this new form.

The young man was able to shift and fight off those who had wished to harm his family. As he chased away the attackers he began to realize what had just happened. The people in his town were afraid of him now because they had no idea who he really was. They had no way of understanding exactly what had happened and that this was a gift.

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