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She rolled over on her side and smiled sleepily at him. Their 5 year old daughter sprawled on him.
"Help." He mouthed to her and she softly giggled, fixing her tousled hair.

"You're on your own." She pulled the blanket away and stood up, adjusting her nightgown.

"I'm glad I put on my nightgown last night."

"You didn't I did when our little one asked to sleep with us."

"Same as." She gave him a wicked smile as she dropped the nightgown down her body and slid into her panties and then her bra.

"You're lucky our daughter is keeping me down."

"Why? You wouldn't do anything to little ol' me would you?" She buttoned up her dress, smiling wickedly.

"Yes I would." He smirked.

"Ooh darling, that sounds wonderful." She said as she fluffs her hair and puckers her lips.

Their daughter perked her head up and looked up at her mother.

"Good Morning sunshine."

"Mornin' mommy."

"You hungry?"

"Yes, but I'm too tired to move." She groaned as she cuddled up to her fathers side.

"Just like momma." He smiled and played with his daughter's hair. Jessica fake gasped and looked at her husband.

"Are you implying something?"

"Only that you are beautiful."

"Yeah. That's what I thought." She said, shaking her hips and then walking away.

"Damn, I'm a lucky man."

"Bad word daddy."

"Oops I'm sorry."

"I'm telling mommy!" She squealed as she ran downstairs to her mother.

Sam sighed and shook his head, knowing his wife was going to yell at him for it. He pulled the blankets away, dressed himself and then walked downstairs to his family.

"Sam, I've told you not to say things like that."

"Yeah! Daddy said Damn I'm a lucky man!"

Jessica raised her eyebrow at Sam.

"Abby, what have I told you about repeating daddy?" Jessica said, turning her attention to Abby.

"To not to." Abby said, giving her mom sad eyes.

"Exactly, the next time you do it I'm going to give you a time out sweetie. Daddy's words are bad."
Abby sighed and ate her breakfast.

"I love you Mr. Shepard." Where stories live. Discover now