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5 hours in~

"Okay Jessica, you're 10 centimeters dilated."

"Really?" She asked, exhausted.

"Yeah, Sam alright, you're going to have to move so we can get her in the stirrups."

He went to get up but Jessica cried for him to stay.

"Don't move me please." Jessica said, as she shifted herself.

Jessica put her legs in the stirrups. The doctor positioned himself between her legs.

"Alright, ready to push?"

"Yes." Jessica panted.

"When your body tells you to push, push."

Jessica pushed for what seemed like hours to her, but it was all worth it when she heard the baby cry. She saw his little chubby cheeks and all of the hours of pain was worth it.

"Alright, he's 8 pounds 6 ounces, 23 inches long."

"Oh my god, look at him!" Susan said as they laid Waylon on Jessica's chest. Waylon hadn't stopped crying until he was set on Jessica's chest.

Jessica was crying more than she was before at the sight of him.

"Oh my baby boy."

He looked up at Jessica with his hazel eyes and long eyelashes. Jessica looked at Sam, who'd gotten up to cut the cord. He had tears in his eyes.

"I love you Mr. Shepard." Where stories live. Discover now