One can get only so many happy endings.

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"Emma, how's she going?" Snow was still up. She couldn't sleep knowing that Regina was so hurt.

It was an unusual relationship that existed between her and her step-mother. Snow couldn't deny that she didn't care for her most determined persuer. They had a strange bond but Snow saw the first years they had spent together as the most brilliant years of her childhood after her mother's death. And the last's years with her had been even more touching. Regina had changed, or at least she had released the good that had been buried away for years, and had even looked to protect Snow at every opportunity that came her way.

Emma sighs and cups the mug in her hands. "I don't know."

Snow sits beside her with concern across her face. "You haven't gone to see her?"

Emma shakes her head. She looks up and Snow sees the tears in her daughter's eyes. "Mum, I'm scared."

Snow pulls her into a hug. "Regina wouldn't do anything to hurt anyone, Emma! You know that! And Henry can't live without her!"

They both look over at the boy that had cried himself to sleep on the couch.

Emma releases another sigh/sob. "Ok. For Henry. I'll go and see her."

Snow smiles as they both stand up and walk towards the door. Emma stops and turns before leaving down the stairs.

"But mum, I ruined her life."

Snow sighs. "So did I, once."

Emma raises her eyebrows. "One can get only so many happy endings."


Regina's heart had calmed down. She had placed herself on the couch reading Henry's book, at least, skipping her stories. They were beautiful stories and she found herself smiling at each happy ending. It took her mind off her own for a moment. At least, her ending. Until she heard a knock at the door.

She opened it slowly unsure whether it was the right time to talk to anyone in her state. 


Regina suddenly felt her blood boil and her expression became lethal. She felt a slight pull in her heart but her mind was taking over her body. 

"You have some nerve showing up here." She sneered.

She smiled as she saw the fear in Emma's eyes. 

"Regina, I just came to see how you were." Emma steps back in fright as Regina places her hand against the door frame. Emma watches her hands with unease. "I- I am really sorry."

"You're sorry?" Regina stares at her outraged. "Sorry?"

"Mum?" A small voice escapes from the small boy that stands halfway along the path towards the house. 

"Henry," Both the mothers say simultaneously.

Regina's expression softens for a second with concern for her son but soon she feels that pang again. That terrible pain that made her bite her lip with angst. Emma did this. Emma brought her this pain. Her deadly expression reappears. 

"Go." She whispers forcefully. "Go away. Both of you."

Neither of them moved. In fact, they seemed to be moving closer.

And now the pain was all too much, almost. She could feel her heart at war with her head. It was telling her to stop, that this was her family and they were trying to help her but her head was pushing images in front of her, memories: memories of everything she had lost in her entire life and everything she had lost in the past 24 hours. 

"Please," Her voice was shaking as her hands left the door frame and clenched tightly by her side, the power of her temper almost bursting uncontrollably from her fingertips. "Please..."

Emma stepped forward, her hands out in front of her; a sign of 'peace'. It just angered Regina more.

"GO!" She yelled, eyes shut tightly as her hands flew out in front of her and a wave of purple magic pushed both of them over sending them through the air, back a few metres. 

She gasped and brought her hands to her face. Not only had she hurt Emma, but she had most likely injured her son; the only person who still loved her. She felt like apologising and her heart almost took her over but she felt herself stepping back into the house and the door closed in front of her. 

She was petrified; petrified that she was becoming her again. Becoming the Evil Queen.


"Henry!" Emma got up quickly, regreting it as her body ached. Despite the pain, she ran up to the boy and he got up slowly, finding his balance. "Are you OK?" She helped him up.

"Yes, mum. I'm fine." He brushes himself off as if he had been pushed over instead of having been thrown over five metres threw the air. He winces.

"Are you sure? Henry," She said warningly and he could tell what was coming.

"Mum! She wouldn't do anything to hurt us on purpose! You know that!" He cries pushing her away and walking back up towards the front door. 

Emma pulls him back. "Henry, I'm not letting you in there."

He struggles but she holds him there. "She could hurt you. I know she wouldn't do it on purpose, but a broken heart can do a lot to you. At least I got over mine in jail but Regina... she's out in the open. We can't take any chances. The Evil Queen is not someone we want to meet ever again."

He continues to struggle. "She's not evil! And she's never been! Just misunderstood! You ruined her life, mum. She needs us!" He stops struggling and stares longing at the door as Emma pulls him away onto the street. "We need to give her what she didn't have last time..."

Emma stares at her son. "What was that?"

"People who fought for her." 

He doesn't take his eyes off the door as Emma pulls him away.


The bell rings of Gold's shop. He comes out with a suitcase. He wasn't expecting visitors.

"Swan," His eyes widen. "What a pleasant surprise."

She tries to catch her breath. "I need to talk."

"Sorry, deary, we're off on our honeymoon." He smiles wickedly as Belle comes out of the back of the shop, grinning. "Be back in a week."

"But I'm desperate. You need to help me!"

"We're closed." But he feels Belle nudge him, encouragingly. 

Emma didn't know what she would've done without Belle. 

"I'm listening."

"Regina has lost it."

He rolls his eyes. "Literally. I know. And all because of you, Snow White's daughter." She can see the gleam in his eyes as if he was enjoying it all.

"I need to stop her from... from hurting everyone... from hurting Henry." Her eyes are wide and she sees the look in his eyes show in his smile.

"I know just the thing." He winks as he turns to face Belle. "Belle, I'll see you outside?" She nods.

Thinking she still had the dagger, she trusted him; even if she believed he had it, she would still trust him. She leaves the room.

"So?" Emma gasps. "I'll do anything!"

His smile grows. "Anything?"

She nods desperately.

"Even pull out her heart?"

... Dark horse...


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