I'm Pregnant!

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So.... weird title, huh?

Anyway, just wanted to say that this story is WAY from finished but I will be away for three weeks without my computer... doing a Latin course *SO NERVOUS*... so I may not be posting any time soon. I just wanted to give everyone one more chapter before I left. I am SUPER amazed and happy that people are liking this and I have absolutely NO idea where it's going... what ever pops in my head, goes... so that last chapter... was totally unexpected even for me. So, THANK YOU FOR READING! Truly. Good luck with this one... you may need it...

"How 'bout a drink?" Robin's lips curl up as he walks through the open door and past Regina.

She watches, baffled by his supposed ignorance to the last time they saw each other. "You have a habit of making yourself at home." She smiles to herself closing the door. His wife knew now and all Regina wanted to do was just spend time with him.

She turns and follows him into the kitchen, her small smile never leaving her face. She watches him grab a bottle of whiskey and she raises her eyebrows. "Whiskey? That's a bit... extreme."

He shrugs and places the bottle on the bench watching as she goes to get two glasses. He tilts his head, staring at her tightened ass as she reached for the glasses on her tip-toes. "You're extreme." He says it under his breath as he moves towards her, not taking his eyes off her posterior.

She gasps, feeling his warm body against her back and his coarse hands a little too far below her waist.

"Need a little help?"

She can feel his smirk. Grabbing the glasses quickly, she escapes his embrace and, getting the whiskey bottle on the way, walks, hips swinging enticingly, into the dining room. He watches and soon follows slowly astounded that she would have the audacity to leave him there like that.

He leans against the doorway and smiles, watching her open the large book that had been left on the table. He watched her pour the whiskey into the two glasses and sit down staring into the book's pages with that cute concentrated look he had seen so many times before. And all the while, watching this amazing woman, he could not believe that it was really him she was about to share a drink with; Robin of Locksley. A thief. The Thief. Anyone would have easily fallen in love with her. He had seen the way everyone had that morning by the campfire; all the Merry Men, that had all seen their fair share of women, immediately falling head over heels for a woman that had just noticed for the first time. A woman they had just noticed, not the Evil Queen.

So why was he, Robin of Locksley, the one man in that room tonight? He knew many things about Regina and could always tell when she was thinking about something strange, or exciting, or sad but something he could never tell about her, was if she was in love with him. And if so, why? Queen's don't ever seem to share what they really feel inside. At least, Regina didn't without a little push.

"Would you like to read a story?" He looked up to see her smiling at him. And then she looked confused. "What? What is it?"

He shakes his head and smiles whilst walking towards her. He sits and brings the glass of whiskey up to his mouth. Tipping his head in a gentleman-like manner he whispers: "To you." And takes a gulp of burning liquid.

She continues to stare at him strangely, a playful look in her eye. He could feel that she was about to toy with his emotions. But he had to know. He had to know how she felt. They had been through so much and still he could not be sure.

"Regina," He places the glass down and places a gentle hand on her cheek. The playful look disappears and she stares at him with a sort of longing. "I need to know..." He gulps, afraid of the answer. He knew his heart wasn't as strong as hers. "How you feel. Why me?"

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