Chapter 8 - Gone Too Far...

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"Hello? Did you black out again." Marinette asked waving a hand in my face. I stared straight. Straight above her head and onto the walls of the cafe.  I lowed my head to meet her eyes. "What were you thinking about?" She asked again.
"I was thinking about...." She motioned for me to continue.




Marinette POV (I know, its sad ╥﹏╥)

I swear my ears are broken.

Did he just say

He was thinking about...


No one thinks about me. Im just an invisible stranger. No one should even care about me, I'm so clumsy and ugly and stupid. I dont belong to live in someone's mind, or on earth.

"Now what are you thinking about?" Adrien asked. I couldn't stay here. This is too much to think about. I have to leave. "I-im sorry, I g-gotta go..." I zoomed past him and ran.

"Marinette! Wait!" Adrien called. I didn't stop, I just kept running. I got to the park, and sat on a bench, crying. I reached into my pocket, took out my pocket knife. I looked around. The park was empty.

I slowly cut myself. I held my screams, although it felt good, until a certain someone came along, out of breath. "Marinette... Why?"  He breathed. Yup, Adrien. "I dont belong on this earth! I shouldn't be cared about! No one should even like me! Im not even good enough for Nathaneal.. I just wanna die..." I cried into my hands.

I felt Adrien sit down next to me, He removed my hands from my eyes, and lifted my chin up with his finger. Then, he took my knife and threw it out of the park. LITERALLY. I won't be getting that back.

"Marinette. You can think whatever you want of yourself, but just know that nobody else thinks about you that way. You DESERVE to be on this earth, on my mind and anywhere else. And people DO care about you, you just don't realize it. And also... Your beautiful inside.. And out..." We looked into each other's eyes for a moment. Before I spoke up.

"A-adrien... T-that was beautiful... But... No one cares about me, your wrong in that part. my parents treated me like I was invisible all my life. Im not beautiful I'm so ugly. And no, I don't deserve to live on this earth. And.... I don't deserve t-to have nice friends l-like you..." And with that being said, I left the park.

Half way home, I felt someone grab my arm. I screamed not knowing who it is, but when I saw who, I got annoyed. "Why do you keep following me? Just leave me alone!" I yanked my arm away from him, but he pulled my other arm. "Adrien! Please!" I looked into his eyes. "I can't let you think about that of yourself. Im sorry I'm acting clingy. But your the COMPLETE opposite of what you think of yourself, and please, stop cutting. I don't want you to leave this earth." He said. I could see a pool of tears forming at the bottom of his eyes.

"Adrien... Why do you care now? What about all those years of bullying me! You put me through a lot! And you don't seem to realize that! I've gone through too much! And a quarter of it, is YOUR FAULT!" At this point, I realized I had gone too far. To be honest I don't know how to act around friends, because I never had any...

"Wait, Adrien I-I didn't-" I started, but he interrupted me. "No. I get it now. If you hate me that much, I'll leave but I just wanna let you know. I have a crush on you Marinette, and THATS the reason why I'm trying to keep you safe." He looked me dead in the eye. A tear fell from his cheek.

He left, and I dropped on the floor, crying. On the streets, people walking past me like I'm nothing. Like I said.

I'm invisible.

I'm full on crying right now like seriously that was sad WHY DID I FRICKIN WRITE THAT!?!?

Plz don't kill me 😁

Luv u💓💕💖💝💟💞✌👍😁😁😁😀😀😀😀😄
Mkay bYe

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