Chapter 12 - New Job

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Hi *_*

Marinette POV

"Marinette! Marinette you're not gonna believe this! Your famous!" I gave Alya a confused look. "Famous? What D'you mean famous?" She shoved her phone in my face showing me a video of Adrien and I dancing the other day on the street.

"15 Million views!" She screeched. "They call you 'Ladybug'." Alya squealed. "Ladybug? Why Ladybug?" What makes them choose a name called Ladybug?

"Duh! Your outfit! Its Ladybug patterns. Big people want you Marinette! Big people as in big dance choreographers and dance studios!" I stood there like a statue.

"So I really came here to ask you something..." Alya played with her fingers. "Can I.... Be your manager?" Her confidence drained as she said that. I really can't say no, and I do need a manager if I'm famous...

"Ok.. I guess it couldn't hurt to have a manager." I smiled. My new manager jumped up and down squealing. "Yes! Well in that case, I already found you a studio!"

"What? Already!?" I said. "Yeah! They're really good! 1 Million Dance Studio!" OH MY GAWSH. THEY'RE MAH FAVORITE DANCERS EVER!!!

"WHAT!? I'm gonna be working at 1 Million Dance Studio!? They're who I watch everyday! I got my inspiration from them! Oh, even better, I get to see Junsun Yoo every day!" I said dreamy eyed.

Adrien coughed across the room. "But you got something better. Right here.." Forgot he was here. Totally forgot he was there. "Uhhhhhhh. Yeah -hehe I mean to say Mina Myoung...hehe...." Awwwwkwardddd.

"Aha! Adrien! You too, have a place at 1 Million." Alya smiled. My boyfriend looked at her with disbelief. "What!? Me?! What did I- oh yeahhh.." Adrien said, completely forgetting we danced together.

We girls rolled our eyes.

Boys... ( ̄^ ̄)


"Omg! You're Marinette! Hi! Im Mina Myoung!"


Marinette Du-pain Cheng--

Am standing in the presence---


"Hi!" I smiled, hiding my nervousness. Alya was right behind me. She already had a meeting with them before I came here so she's not shy or nervous.

I hugged her. And more of my favorite choreographers greeted me.
"Hi. I'm Koosung Jung."
"I'm Sori Na!"
"Hello, I am Bongyoung Park."
"Hi! I'm Jay Kim, nice to meet you."
"How are you today? I am Junsun Yoo. A pleasure to meet you."

"Omg Koosung! I love your video where you dance to 'Thats what I likes' by Bruno Mars! And Mina! I love your video dancing to 'Sorry Not Sorry'! Junsun Yoo! Your video dancing to '24K Magic'? I pretty much watched that 100 times. Learned the whole thing."

Adrien was chatting with Koosung about something weird so he heard nothing I said. Adrien speaks korean so...

I sat down with Mina and Sori for a while. Junsun and Jay Kim joined us, and we decided to do a dance together, me and Jay Kim.

Mina and Sori had to go do something, same with Jay and Junsun. So this pretty dancer walks up to me, smiling. "Hi, I'm Neia Millani." She was really pretty. She had black hair, purple fading into it, she was pale and skinny like Mina, she looked as tall as me.

She sat down next to me. Smelling like bubble gum. She was wearing a Purple off the shoulder blouse, black tights, purple gym shoes... Definitely a fan of purple. (A/N sorry if I changed your appearance a little Neia, but its only in the dance studio, when your character leave the studio your character changes into your appearance, so yeah)

"Hi, I love your hair!" I complimented, giving a nice smile. "Thanks, I watched your video with you and Chat Noir so many times! It was amazing!" Chat Noir? Who's Chat Noir? "Chat Noir?" I asked. "Yeah, your dance partner." Neia stated, pointing at Adrien, who seemed to be choreographing with Koosung. Learning fast huh.

Seriously though, where are they getting these names? It does suit him though. "wow, he's warming up fast." Neia laughed. I laughed as well before replying a yeah.


So after a while of being at the studio, Adrien- I mean - Chat Noir did a full on choreo with Koosung. Sori teached me one of the choreos she was working on and we did that, Jay Kim was dancing today.

It was time to go home. Alya and I actually have to be home-schooled now cuz I'm busy with my new career. Thank goodness my school is also an online school, I can continue where I left off.
"That was fun." Adrien smiled, his face seemed to glow in the sunlight away from the studio. Or maybe that's just sweat...

He threw his arm around me and later his head on mine. Yup, definitely sweat. "Eww sweaty boyyyy." I cried.  I pushed his arm off me.

Just then, I see Junsun Yoo walking down the stairs also exiting the studio. He looked clean, like he took a shower and brushed his hair and everything. Adrien noticed too. "Hey Junsun, how do you look so clean? We just danced for hours. Don't you sweat?" Adrien asked, in Korean of course.

"Yes, there's a shower in the basement. I go there everyday. I never see anyone down there but I got so..." He replied in Korean. "Byee!" He ran down the stairs and onto the street, then jogged out of sight.

I got EVERYONE'S number there, including Neia, she's really nice, and its always good to make new friends.


If you haven't noticed she's by far my FAVORITE choreographer. All her choreos are good.

I noticed Neia walk down the street. She waved me goodbye. She changed her jeans which were now white, and she was also wearing purple heels. I waved back with a smile.

"Long day tomorrow, see you." Alya waved, catching a taxi and going home, leaving me and Adrien.

"Wanna come over?" He asked sweetly. Its 4:23 pm, couldn't hurt to stay awhile. "Okay." Gorilla picked us up in the limo.

Adrien's dad was fine with Adrien's 2nd career next to modeling, but Adrien had to promise to wear some of his designs, sporty outfits.

"Today, was a good day." Adrien whispered, so Gorilla could hardly hear. He took my hand in his and gently squeezed it. I blushed feeling happy. Until I remembered a certain redhead.


I had totally forgot about him, he told Adrien to stay away from me! I then remembered I don't go to school.

And then freaked out again. He has my number! Oh wait I can just block it. Yeah I'm good. He doesn't know where I live so... At least I think...

"Uh, Adrien?" I called his attention. "Yeah?" He replied, looking into my eyes. He knew something was up, he knows something is up. "Did you..-Uh... Did your mind ever cross what were gonna do when Nathaneal comes back?" The blonde suddenly looked shocked. "Uh-oh." He breathed. Yeah.



Its done okay bye ヽ(°◇° )ノ

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