Chapter Five

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“Samantha,”yells someone from behind me. I spin around to see Steve, the butler, holding something out towards me. I jog up to him and he hands me a set of keys.

“Look, I know you can’t drive yet, but your father wants you to have these,” he says looking intently into my eyes.

“Which car do they belong to?” I ask looking around at all the cars in the driveway.

“Well hopefully they should go to your Ferrari,” he says pointing towards the bright red car coming out of the massive six-door garage. I stare at the car in awe as my father steps out of the driver’s seat.

“Hope you like it Roo. It is an early birthday present but it will also make up for all the ones we missed,” dad says while waiting for me to react.

I run up to the car screaming, “Oh my god dad, thankyou soo much. I love it!”

“You better not keep Seth waiting!” dad says winking at me.

I reply, “Ok then. Bye dad. See you when we get back”

Seth gets into the driver’s side of the car (which I was a bit bummed about because after all it is my Ferrari) and starts the engine.

“Whoa,”he says. “This is going to be awesome!”

“Settle down Seth. We are only driving it to the next suburb, it’s not like we are taking it around the world!” I reply with a smirk.

“Don’t mock me. Anyway, you are just jealous because you are not old enough to drive it yet,” says Seth, trying not to laugh.

“I’d be careful of what I was saying if I were you. I can just as easily make dad take us,” I exclaim with an evil laugh.

Just as I finish saying this, Seth puts his foot down and we are out the gate before I can say another word.

“Ease up buddy,” I yell. “This ain’t a normal car!”

He chuckles quietly to himself and slows down.

When we arrive at the city square, I notice that there aren’t many people around. Maybe it’s because it’s freezing. But then again, I am used to the weather on the Gold Coast so this is probably a hot day for Londoners.

Seth and I get out of the car and start looking for a male clothing shop.

“Now Sam, I just want to let you know that this shopping trip is for me,” says Seth in a sarcastic voice.

“Shut-up Seth, you sound just like my father.” I reply with a giggle.

I start point to a shop called Mickey’s and Seth grabs my hand and makes a bolt for the shop.

When we get inside I yell “What the hell did you do that for?”

“I saw a man with a gun!” says Seth worriedly.

“Ha Ha, Very funny but there’s no one around,” I exclaim.

“No real…” says Seth before getting cut off by a random voice.

“Actually, I hate to tell you but there have been some very threatening people in this area of town lately. There are rumours that they are after computer codes to hack government websites,” says the man behind the counter.

I gasp. “Is there also rumours that these threatening people are after the jewels of the royal family?” I ask the man.

“Yes, I think I heard something like that,” says the man.

I look at Seth but he tells me not to think about it so we walk off in search of some clothes for him and by the time we were done we had bought most of the shop. We payed the guy behind the counter and started taking our many shopping bags to the car.

As we were walking out of the shop I felt a hand grab me around the neck and then another one was clamped onto my mouth. I looked over at Seth and the same thing had happened to him. I tried to scream but the person’s hand was too tight over my mouth.

Suddenly I felt something cold and hard placed on my temple and realised it was a gun!


Sorry that this chapter is so short but it's kind of like a lead up to the big action packed one coming up next! ;)

Also i amsorry for the big cliffhanger! I guess you will just have to wait it out until i upload more which should be sometime next week unless i get heaps of homework!

Keep reading and keep those fans and votes coming guys.

<3 Maddy :)

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