Chapter Six

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I had no idea where these strange people where taking us, all I knew was that they had guns and they weren’t letting us go without a fight.

We were thrown into the back of their car a while ago and it seemed like they were just going to keep driving forever and never let us out.

I wanted to reach out and hold onto Seth as he is the only familiar thing I have right now but there was a stranger sitting between us in the middle seat blocking us from making contact with each other.

I thought I recognised the driver but he had dark sunglasses on so I couldn’t see his eyes.

We arrived at a house just before dark and we were dragged out of the car just as roughly as we were thrown in there.

I am so scared right now because I am the only female and I don’t know who these people are and what they are planning to do with Seth and I.

We are dragged up to a building with bars on all the windows and my first thought is ‘Well we won’t be getting out of here any time soon!’

Seth looks over to me with a worried look on his face. Even though I am trying to stay strong I bet I have the same look on my face. Before I know it a sack is placed over my head and I hear Seth struggle so the same thing has obviously happened to him as well. I shriek as I am thrown onto what feels like chair. I feel my hand being tied behind my back and try to struggle my way out.

“Struggling will only make worse!” exclaims Seth sounding awfully scared.

“Your little friend is right Samantha!” says a voice that I recognise from somewhere.

“How the hell do you know my name you creep?” I yell back at the familiar voice.

“Ouch! It hurts that my old girlfriend doesn’t remember me,” says the guy and I can almost hear him smirk.

I gasp as the realisation sets in. “James? Oh, this is low, even for you! I mean it’s bad enough that you hacked the school system, but going after the country just makes you look stupid!”

“I don’t care how stupid I look but having you here with me brings me one step closer what I want,” says James pulling the sack off my head and giving me a sheepish grin.

I laugh and reply, “You are so pathetic that you didn’t even have the guts to go straight to my father. You had to bring me, his daughter in as bait.”

“You don’t realise how easy you are going to make this do you? All I have to do now is call your father and tell him that I have you and your friend tied up and he will drop everything and come to save you. But I won’t make it that easy for him as I will only release you when I get the codes I need,” replies James with an evil laugh.

“What do you need these codes for anyway?” I ask.

“It’s obvious isn’t it? With the right government codes I can do pretty much anything including changing the law,” exclaims James.

“You do realise that if you change the law, you risk the lives of innocent people?” I ask with a smirk.

“Of course I do you dumb girl!” yells James.

“So you are basically going to kill people all over the world just so you feel in control for once?” I say, focusing contently on his facial expressions.

“Ha ha, very funny. It’s almost like you don’t remember how in control I was over you,” says James with a creepy grin.

“You were not in control! I was just afraid of what you would do to me if I didn’t do what you said. I moved away from Sydney so I didn’t have to be near the pig-headed jerk that was you and what do you decide to do? Follow me here and come after my father! You deserve everything that is coming for you. Once my father finds out you are keeping me hostage he will send every law enforcement group after you!” I scream at him.

“That’s the idea, sweetheart! Then I can tie all of them up and your father will have to come himself,” says James in a sarcastic tone.

“Don’t call me sweetheart or anything for that matter we are over and have been for a while now!” I yell still pissed off that he kidnapped me.

“Who said we were over babe? I thought we were just taking a break,” replies James smirking at me.

“We are never getting back together after the way you treated me you jerk!” I yell. “And anyway I have Seth now.”

“Oh is that what this is then? How sweet, you brought your new boyfriend with you to meet the parents,” He says walking towards Seth. I shudder at the thought of what he might do to Seth.

“Don’t even think about touching him James,” I yell trying to warn Seth who still had a bag over his head.

The next thing I remember was seeing James give the man behind me a signal and hearing quick footsteps behind me then everything went black! 


Hi! Ok i know you probably want to kill me now because i haven't updated in like 3 months but i have been really busy working and with school assignments!! Yeah pretty much the usual so i am really sorry about that.

I also had a massive case of writers block as some of you can probably understand.

I am thinking of posting another story called One Way Out after I finish this one so i will post a summary of it as soon as possible so let me know if you are interested.

I will just post it as a new story so you will be able to find it on my page!! If anyone is interested in making a cover for it so i have one when i post the first chapter feel free once i post the summary!

Anyway enough rambling for now!

Maddy <3

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 26, 2012 ⏰

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