Chapter One

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Great, I just had another argument with Dad’s new girlfriend. She hates me, but at least the feelings are mutual. I go to my room as I was instructed by dad after he overheard our little conversation. I think about Mum and what she would be doing right now. Probably sitting down to watch her favourite show, Bondi Rescue, after getting tea started. I honestly don’t know how she can watch that show. It is basically about rescuing people on Bondi Beach and there is always some seriously stupid group of foreigners who can’t listen to the lifeguards when they say to swim between the flags and they always end up getting caught in a rip. Anyway, it has been six months since I have seen her and I am beginning to think that she has got someone better to see like another boyfriend or (I hate to say it) a husband.

Life sucks here with Dad and Kylie. They are both self-centered slobs and they couldn’t care less about me and what I do. I really think that if I ran away from home they wouldn’t even notice I was gone. I snap out of thought when I hear dad yelling from the bottom of the staircase telling me that the washing machine is done. “Yeah. What about it?” I yell back. “Jeez Sam, do I have to spell it out for you?” Dad screams. “Maybe you do!” is my answer but when I hear his footsteps on the stairs I come out of my room and go to empty the machine and hang the clothes on the line. “Yeah, that’s what I thought”, says dad in a stern voice. I walk into the laundry thinking about how dad and Kylie couldn’t survive without me. I do everything around the house. I cook, clean, iron, do the laundry and wash up. I even feed Kylie’s evil cat. I mean, what do they think I am the maid or something? I might as well be with all the work I do.

I finish hanging out the washing when my phone starts buzzing. It’s a text from my best friend Tess that says: Party @ Seth’s @ 6. I’ll pick u up. The first thought that springs to mind is what to wear so I text her back and ask her. The phone buzzes again. This time saying: Something hot. Dress 2 Impress!!! I make a break for my room after checking that the cost is clear of my dad’s prying eyes. I have three choices. A black and white strapless cocktail dress that is super short, a hot pink mullet dress with a black belt or my usual t-shirt and ripped denim shorts. I am just about to put on the t-shirt and shorts when I get another text from Tess. It says: Don’t even think about wearing a t-shirt and shorts. I can just as easily not take u! Damn she’s onto me. Well, I guess she’s the one with the license and the invite to the party. I decide on the cocktail dress. I pair it with some black stilettos and stacks of mascara and voila! Perfect. The only good thing about living with dad is that he has a kick-ass job and gets heaps of money which means more clothes for me.

I am just about to make it out the door without dad catching on when he asks “Where do you think you are going dressed like that?” “Out with Tess”, I reply. “Out where?” “Just out, OK!” I shout before slamming the door and running down the front steps and into Tess’ car. If dad knew where I was really going he would probably send me to boarding school or something. I laugh at the thought. When I get into the car Tess comments on my outfit, “Very fitting dress for the occasion. Like I said, dress to impress right?” I nod and we both laugh. She starts the car and I start getting butterflies in my stomach. I mean, me, plain old Samantha Bishop going to one of Seth Black’s famous parties. I was told that his last one ended with two kids getting arrested. Seth Black is not only the hottest guy at Dart Academy but one of the nicest.

We arrive at the party and I can see through the side gate that the backyard is already packed full of people. We could hear the music pumping from like three blocks away! I wonder how many of the neighbors will complain tonight. Tess and I have to park a block away because there are so many cars here already. As I am stepping out of the car I tell myself that it was probably not such a good idea to wear these stilettos. My feet are already hurting and we aren’t even half way there yet. We get to the front gate and one of the pig headed boys from school is standing there pretending to be a bouncer. I turn to Tess and say “Boys will be boys!” She laughs and we go to walk in but he stops us. “Where are your tickets?” he asks. “What tickets?” we say in sync. “Well your names aren’t on the list and if you don’t have tickets, I’m sorry but I can’t let you in…..Unless you are willing to make other arrangements.” He says raising his eyebrows. “Eugh. Move pig!” yells Tess pushing him aside.

I can already tell the party is going to be a wild one. As soon as I step foot in the house I can smell the alcohol. While I am taking in my surroundings a guy who I don’t recognize runs out the door and spews all over the front path. Then I hear a voice from inside yell, “You’ll be cleaning that up Dan.” I am guessing that was Seth because who else would be yelling that out to a guy who just spewed his guts out.

When I turn around I notice that Tess isn’t standing with me anymore. I start to panic because I realize that apart from Seth, Tess and her boyfriend and a couple of the rowdy boys from school, I don’t know anyone at this party. I am walking towards what looks like the back door when I see a table of boys from school which are known as the Puffers (because they smoke). Note to self: stay well away from them at all costs tonight. I spot Seth outside and start running towards the back door. It is so clean that I hardly see it and slam into it with the force of a car to a tree. Just as I am regaining my footing the school bully, Stacey, walks over with her posse. “Looks like someone has had a little too much to drink.” She says with a giggle. “Shut up Stacey, just cause you couldn’t pull off that stunt and get up still looking beautiful as ever. And FYI I haven’t even had a sip of beer tonight!” I reply with a fake smile. As she turns she shoots me a deadly look then struts off in the opposite direction. I open the door and walk over to Seth. I stand there waiting for him to finish his conversation with his best friend Alex. It takes so long that when he finishes talking I just keep standing there. He looks down at me and says “Yes Sam. Can I help you?” I don’t hear him at first so he asks me again and this time I say “Um…..Um…..” but before I finish what I am saying Tess sees me struggling and pulls me away saying “Sorry Seth, I think she has had too much to drink!” He shrugs and turns to talk to one of his other friends. I am still watching him so I can’t hear Tess yelling at me. “What do you think you were doing? I thought we were going to talk about what you were going to say to Seth if you ‘ran into him’ and you just decide Oh, what the heck I’ll just go and talk to him anyway. Now you have made a fool out of yourself and I am not going to help you anymore.” “Sorry, what did you say Tess?” I reply still watching Seth. “Oh my gosh you are hopeless.” She exclaims before storming off. My life is pretty much at its lowest point at the moment. My best friend won’t talk to me, the boy I like thinks I’m a total dork, I have nothing to do at what is supposed to be one of the best parties of the year and to top it all off I will probably be the laughing stock of the school tomorrow for my little stunt earlier.

I feel really bad for not listening to Tess. I don’t even know why I was standing with Seth anyway. I think it could have been because I had lost sight of everyone that I knew at this stupid party and when I saw him I just felt that he was the only person I could trust. As I walk back inside I wonder whether I should leave and go home yet or if this party is going to get as interesting as they say. I decide to take myself on a tour of the house. After all if I ever do get together with Seth at least I will know my way around his house. Walking down the hallway I come across what looks like the master bedroom with a king sized bed, ensuite and walk in robe. The next room down is the laundry, followed by another bedroom and large bathroom. On the other side of the hall is an office, storage room and another room with the door shut. I think to myself: Should I go in there...Why not! I turn the handle on the door and swing it open. As soon as I look inside I regret it. It is another bedroom and inside is Tess making out with a freshman student from school. She sees me and pushes him off. “Sam, wait.” She yells and runs after me. “Wait till Josh hears about this one!” I say coldly. “You wouldn’t!” “Oh yes I would. Hey look there he is now, why don’t you tell him yourself.” I utter. Josh is Tess’ boyfriend and he loves her to death. He even told her once that they would be together till the end of time. I know, pretty cheesy but she feels the same way about him. At least, that’s what I thought. “Josh!” I yell, “Tess has something she wants to tell you.” He hears me and spins around. “What babe?” He asks Tess when he comes over. “I love you!” She replies with a cheeky grin.“Unbelievable!” I shout, “And don’t bother giving me a lift home. I’ll walk!” “Good, I wasn’t planning on it.” Yells Tess. By now the whole room of people is staring at us and whispering. “Nothing to see here folks!” I exclaim whilst grabbing my handbag and stomping out the front door. I decided to walk home because I thought that my life can’t possibly get any worse than it is now. Well that’s what I thought anyway.

---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Hi guys Sorry about the paragraphs! I must get this edited!

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