18.I Just Wanna Protect You

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Yami woke up from his sleep as he felt one of his priest were in great danger and not only him. He knew it will soon be a destructive battle when Bakura will have something else plan up his sleeve.


However, Bakura survived the assault and raids the city once more. Furthermore, he has acquired the Millennium Ring and uses its power to evade the guards and enter Aknadin's monster shrine. There, he speaks to Aknadin about the assault on Kul Elna and awakens the darkness that was placed when Aknadin created the Millennium Items. Bakura then instructs Diabound to cause utter devastation and flees, with Atem in pursuit and summons "". Slifer engages Bakura's Diabound. Marie had to stay at the palace so that she won't be apart of her father's battle against Bakura. Not only that, she even spotted her friends that have came to Egypt to see the Pharaoh and herself. Due to the fact Diabound defeated Mahad's Shadow Ghoul, Diabound is able to disappear into darkness, and Bakura utilizes this to hide Diabound from Slifer's power. Although Diabound is hit by Slifer after it reveals itself to attack, it disappears again and begins to lay waste to the city. Atem instructs Slifer to protect the citizens, although Atem and Slifer are badly injured when Diabound assaults again. Atem attempts to end the battle by having Slifer attacking Bakura directly but Diabound is revealed to be right behind Atem. Atem is saved by the swift arrival of Seto's "", and the guardians help fight Diabound out of the city. As Bakura's Diabound reveals itself, Atem tells Slifer to quickly attack, something that likely could have destroyed or severely crippled Diabound. But when Aknadin (fully engulfed in the dark side) cripples Slifer, Diabound then was able to destroy Slifer and Atem appeared to have been rendered powerless.

Much to Bakura' surprise, however, the arrival of the Pharaoh's modern-day friends rejuvenates Atem and calls upon "", mightiest of the three Egyptian Gods. Ra's inherent nature of being the sun god results in the battlefield being engulfed in light, revealing Diabound. Bakura, still confident, reveals that Diabound now has the power of an Egyptian God due to Slifer's destruction. It then assaults Ra, but is repelled by Seto's Duos. Ra then transforms into Egyptian God Phoenix mode and incinerates Bakura's Diabound, killing him. However, Yami Bakura on the table activates a to reverse time to the moment where Diabound was about to attack Slifer. Slifer is destroyed again, Atem is crippled, and Bakura is alive once more. Atem then falls into an abyss, barely holding on, and Bakura takes Atem's before sending Atem to his apparent doom. Bakura also has possessed by his modern form's splintered fragment.

Saturn Pov

I had to help my friends from Yami's fallen off the cliff.

"We've got to same him, Hotaru!" Yugi said.

"I know. I just wanna protect you. We'll find him and he can't be long." I assure him.

Bakura Pov

Now that I have the millennium puzzle the next task is going to be complete. I hate to disappoint the guardian of destruction and time that they possess the powerful items that are to be mine. I'll need to think of a plan to get them so that the world will desire its fate.

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