The following afternoon, Jake had succumbed to a nap and Allie took the opportunity to call in to pay her electric bill. "Ms. Napier, it seems your bill has been paid for the next year." "What do you mean? That's not possible." "You won't owe anything until this time next year." "How can that be? I didn't do that." "It says that it was paid a few days ago." Allie was ultra confused, and hoping someone wasn't hacking into her bank account. But in that case, why would they pay her bill and not take her money? Then she knew: Joker.
She got off the phone and almost immediately afterwards she got a text.
Joker: Is my family home?
Allie: Jake and I are home.
Joker: Good I'm on my way over, baby.She rolled her eyes at 'baby.' She decided to sit and watch tv as Jake slept. Awhile later, there was a knock on the door. She opened it to reveal Joker. "Hey, where is he?" "He's napping. He'll probably wake up soon." "Oh, I'll just wait then." He went over to the sofa and took a load off. "Please, make yourself comfortable." Allie said sarcastically. "Where's Harley?" "Home. I wouldn't bring her around Jake."
She decided to test the waters, as she knew Joker had to have something to do with her bill. "Sorry, but I have to make a call. I think someone has hacked into my bank account." Allie pretended to dial a number. "What makes you think that?" Joker asked. "Because my electric bill is paid for until next year, and I didn't do that." "Oh, babe, that was me. I paid your car off too. I just wanted to help you out. I thought it was the least I could do to make up for disappearing on you." He stood up and got very close to her. "I love you." He leaned in to kiss her. She turned her head but he took the opportunity to kiss her cheek. Slowly and sensually, he kissed down her face to her neck, gently sucking on it.
"I'll go check on Jake." She got away from Joker and rushed to her son's bedroom. The boy was waking up and he was groggy. "Hey sweetheart, someone's here to see you." Jake's attention was taken away from his mother and toward the door. "Daddy?" Allie her footsteps coming toward them. She got up and moved out of his way. Joker crouched next to Jake's bed. "I'm here, buddy." Allie decided to leave them alone so she left the room.
She tried to keep busy and keep her mind off of Joker's kisses while the two of them were in Jake's room. She wiped off the kitchen counters and swept and mopped. Now she was dusting in the living room while listening to the tv. After about a half hour the boys came out. Jake came running towards her. "Momma! Can I stay with Daddy please?" She looked at her son then at Joker. "Can he spend the night at my place? I want to spend more time with him. I have a meeting to go to right now but I can come get him later." She remained silent for several seconds then said, "Jake go to your room and pick out what toys you want to take to Daddy's." "Yay!" He ran back to his room excitedly.
"What about Harley?" "I'll have her go to the club. She'll be fine for hours and Jake'll be fast asleep before she gets home." "Okay, um- I know you love him and you'll take care of him- just be sure to help him in the bathroom and cut up his food so he doesn't choke and make sure he's asleep by-" "Allie! Babe, we'll be fine. And if I do mess up, he'll let me know. He's not an idiot. Just relax." She took a deep breath, "Okay. I want to drop him off myself. What time will you be home?" "Is 6 alright?" "Yeah, that's fine."
"Well, I gotta take off. I'll see you guys later. Oh and do be careful on your way, the roads aren't too good in the winter." "Sounds good." They were standing in front of the door. Joker put a hand on her hip and started tracing her curves slowly. "Kitten, you are so hot." She shoved his hand away, "Cut it out. Now get lost." "I can't wait to see you either, baby." He winked at her and grinned as a walked out the door.
It was now time for Jake to go to his dad's. For some reason, Allie felt nervous taking her son to her former home. Perhaps it was because she'd never left her son with anyone but her mother and the people at daycare. However, she let Joker know that she trusted him. She drove carefully and slowly, as the mansion was in the middle of nowhere and the roads, as Joker said, weren't too great. Jake, on the other hand, was unsurprisingly ecstatic to go to Daddy's house.
They arrived and Allie parked the car and got out to get Jake. She decided to let him walk as she carried his overnight bag. She looked all around and guards were everywhere, which made her feel as though he'd be perfectly safe. They got to the front door, and Arthur answered it. "Oh, Miss Allie and little Jake. I'll let him know you are here. Come on in." They made their way inside, and Allie noticed her son's green-haired father already coming down the stairs.
"Daddy!" Jake ran to him and Joker caught him in his arms and lifted him up. He carried him over to Allie. "I'm so happy you're here, buddy." he said to Jake. "Let's play!" He set the boy down and they watched him retrieve some toys out of his bag. Joker stepped forward, closer to Allie. "I wish Momma was staying too." She shook her head, "I don't think that's necessary." "Oh, come on. I promise I won't take advantage of you...right now." He purred. "I'll leave you guys alone."
"Jake, come say bye to Mom." Joker hollered at the boy. He came running toward Allie, and she knelt down to embrace him. Jake pulled away from her and said, "You not staying, Momma?" "I'm gonna go home, baby. Have so much fun with Daddy, okay?" He nodded, "I'll miss you." Her heart melted, "It's only for the night." Joker stood right behind Jake, and gently put a reassuring hand on his small head. Allie opened the door, and Joker's eyes never left hers as she walked out of it.
She got to her car and got in and put her seatbelt on. Something was stopping her from putting the key in the ignition. She felt her love for her son and her love for Joker overtake her body. It made her so happy to see them together. She couldn't leave and be stuck at home alone all night. She got back out of the car returned inside the mansion. She found the two boys in the living room area.
Jake looked up from his toys, "Momma." Joker looked over and smiled at her. "Kitten." She walked over to them and sat next to Joker. "I decided to stay after all. Is that okay?" "Of course." Joker pecked her lips. "Now, we just can't decide between SpongeBob or Power Rangers. Personally, I think Power Rangers would be cooler, but I think he's leaning the other way." Allie replied, "Oh, SpongeBob, definitely. I could never get into Power Rangers." Joker rolled his eyes, "Whatever." Allie giggled. The fact that the infamous Joker was debating on which show to watch with his three-year-old was hilarious. She wondered how badly Gotham newspapers would want that story.

million years ago (sequel to sweetest devotion)
FanfictionThis story picks up 3 years after Allie and the Joker's breakup. Allie is enjoying the ride of a budding career, while Joker is experiencing a personal rock bottom. What will happen if their paths cross once again after years apart? The only title...