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Joker sat in the club in his usual booth. He was watching Harley grind on the dance floor as the music roared and boomed. He hated her. But loved her at the same time. He loved the way she was like him. Fearless and insane. She was the ultimate partner in crime. On the other hand, she was a pest. One that, in his mind, was in the way of his life with Allie. He couldn't shake the thought of getting rid of her and maybe Allie could rethink being with him.

There was a man sitting across from him trying to negotiate prices on arms. Joker was getting annoyed at this point. "How about I keep my money-" The other guy interrupted, "J what the-" "And you can take a woman off my hands?" The man sat back in his chair, fairly interested, "Let's see what we're dealing with here." Joker grinned happily and turned toward the dance floor. He whistled loudly. Soon enough, Harley appeared and separated the beads. She giggled, "Puddin?"

"I want to introduce you to someone." She stood up proudly, almost strutting closer to the other man. "Shit, J. How much you want for her?" The man's mouth was agape as reached out and caressed the outside of her thigh. Harley was stunned. She frowned and looked at Joker. "What's he talkin' about?" He perked up, "You belong to him now." She became disgruntled and in a moment of rage she reached into Joker's holster, ripped out his gun, and put a bullet through the strange man's head.

"What the hell?!" Harley demanded an answer. "Just give me the gun back." he responded, disappointed. She frowned at him, but handed the gun over obediently. Then she shrieked as he raised the gun to her face. "J what's gotten into you?!" He put his finger on the trigger. "I love you! Haven't I proved myself to you?! What the hell is this about?!" He growled and sneered at her. Then he let out a grunt before lowering his gun.

Harley got close to him, cuddling up to his chest and snuggling into his neck. She now seemed to be unphased about the previous incident. "Baby, what's the matter?" She caressed his face. Joker hated this. He hated how clingy she was. He shoved her hands off of him and he sat down. Harley kneeled down next to where he sat. "Puddin." She put her hands on the tops of his thighs feeling the muscle there. "Why can't you just love me?" He huffed, stood up, and walked away.

She followed him, "Is it because of Allie? I can be your Allie." she said, only wanting to please him and earn his overall approval. "You're not half the woman Allie is." By now they had made it to his office and he sat down in his chair, ready to take his mind off of things by working. "Just tell me what you what. Whatever she does, I'll do it. She's hot and sweet and all, but really what is the big deal about her?" He glared up at her from his seat, "She's normal."

"Normal?" Joker looked down at his desk, avoiding her eyes. "We don't get normal, J-" "Don't call me that!" he barked at her. She scoffed, "Oh, I guess only your precious, normal Allie can call you that. My bad." "She and the boy are the only thing in the world that I give a damn about." Harley started laughing, "That's your problem, isn't it? You want a cute little apartment with your cute little family. Drop the kid off at school in your mini van. Normal, right? Guess what. It's never gonna happen. You're the Joker, remember?"

She walked around his desk and sat on his lap. "I can make you happy, baby. Just let me all the way in." She kissed his cheek, then made her way down to his neck as she tugged on his shirt. "Okay." he replied. Harley giggled happily. Joker looked into her eyes, grinning with only one thing on his mind. He could no longer have Allie as his own. Therefore, if Harley was going to officially be his woman, they might as well consummate the relationship-not like they hadn't already, but this time could be be celebratory. He'd even be gentle with her now-well, gentler.

A/n- Short chapter, sorry. I'm losing inspiration.

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