Chapter 1- Moving Places.

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Disclaimer: This book is gender neutral, for things such as lemons I will do one for each gender in the same chapter, boys and girls both welcome.

~(Y/N)s POV~

I walk down the road ready to leave to the Mushroom Kingdom. walking to the train station, parents one step behind me, I make it to the door of the train station and hesitantly open it, my parents following behind sadly, they're heartbroken, but I got work from the parents and I really want to do this I mean cleaning a castle! I have never got a chance like this! furthermore, I need to give my family an income so that they're not poor and we are already so close to being pushed out. Anyways, I have to share a house with 2 brothers, she said they are making a custom one for me. I can't wait! Then again, I don't want to leave my family and I can't stand to see them like this but every year, I will get a month break to see them and it will be worth it to see their happy faces. Even happier than before.

I walk up to the train and say goodbye to my parents. I look around and see that the train has barely any people in it, meaning that it is virtually safe, and honestly that's such a relief since I got no sleep last night. I put on my music and fall to sleep on the train. 

~Luigi's POV~

The train arrived and the person the princess spoke of wasn't coming out, so I went in and saw them there, asleep. I don't know if I should wake them or not so, I put their phone in their pocket and put them on my back walking out, with Mario close behind with all of their stuff. We get home and I put them in their new bed. they looked so peaceful there as I walked out of their room.

~(Y/N)s POV~

I wake up in an unknown room to my phone ringing, I see that it is the princess and get my things unpacked, and halfway through changing I hear a knock at the door. I tell whoever it is to wait a minute and start to finish dressing. When I am done I look at the door and call whoever it is to come in. The door started to open, revealing a cute man in overalls and dressed in green.

"My name is Luigi," he said blushing and shaking my hand. 

"I'm (Y/N)!" I say happily looking at him. I tell him about having to go to The Princess and go out of the house, passing a shorter man in red overalls I give him a glance and trot onwards to the castle, which seemed to be miles away from where I originally came from. On my way, I see my new house being constructed, that will take a while until it's finished I think to look at it. It was going to be quite big since I will be the personal assistant of Peach since toadsworth is becoming useless slowly and the princess had stopped getting kidnapped and best of all it's (F/C).

 Anyways, I reach the castle looking at the exterior, My house is going to be slightly smaller and way more in fashion but still, it was quite pretty, since it had been updated recently with a Purple roof and the interior was like a fairytale. I walk to the main hall, where I met The Princess for the first time in years. Since I am retired royalty, from when my Real parents died I never got the thrown since I was simply too young and I wasn't able to riot on whether or not I should get it since I was only 7. I was given to a princess in the neighboring Kingdom, the princess being my new mother. She gave me to a friends family since she wasn't able to keep everything together and had no time to take care of me since the Bowser attacks, but now I'm back in her care and working for her! That is why I'm getting to be royalty, whilst having my own slightly smaller (F/C) castle and Peach is being crowned queen since she had just got to the given age. I hug her tightly, and she gave me an (S/F/C) outfit I took it to a dressing room and she agreed that this was a good outfit and to have more of them made since when I am made royalty I will have to wear that outfit every day. Now that is sorted I go home to the brothers' house and meet Mario, who was the guy I walked past outside. We exchanged greetings, and I went to my room to play video games. I wonder how they will react when they find out that I'm royalty? Oh well no time for that, I lay down and drift to sleep peacefully, not wanting to disturb anyone.


I hope you liked it! Thanks for reading.

(word count- 854)


-Shannon PEACE OUT

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