Truth Will Out 2

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We all texted Kisa and tried to call her. She ignored them all. Even Mark's and she was closest to him. Her mom finally called me back saying she talked to her. She refused to say where she was. She only said that she safe. "JB she said if she stayed that there would be a love triangle. She didn't want to come between you and Jackson."

I sighed. "She said the same in the letter she left for me."

"She said something else that I don't understand. 'He is not for me. I know my place. He is too high for me to reach.' What is she thinking?"

I squeezed my eyes shut. "That's what the girls used to say to her when they would bully her." I told her sadly. I tear trailed down my cheek.

"We are getting in a cab now. We will be at your dorm shortly." I heard the sadness in her voice.

They arrived a few minutes later and JYP was not far behind them. I don't know who I'm more afraid of. Why pick? They're both going to kill me. Her parents just might be a little nicer and kill me fast. Her mom came to me and hugged me. "How are you holding up?" So nice just like her daughter.

"I'm fine aunty. I'm more worried about you." Her look called bullshit on me but she didn't say anything.

"I'm sorry that I'm going to have to compound your grief. You need to watch this to understand better what is going through her mind." She gave a disk to Jinyoung. He put it in and hit play. She took the remote and sped through to a part and stopped it. "You all are going to want to sit down. It will be very hard to watch." She hit play and walked into the kitchen.


I now call beep to the stand. (The name was covered by a noise but I recognized the figure. It was Kisa.)

"Do you swear to tell the truth, the whole truth, so help you God?" A Guard swore her in.

"I do." She answered.

"Can you tell us in your own words what happened on the day in question?" The prosecutor asked.

"I was walking home from school. Two older boys came up behind me and grabbed my arms. They – They forced me into a car with these older girls and took me to an abandon building."

"Do you see those boys in the court room now?" The prosecutor interrupted.

"They are both sitting at the table over there." She pointed.

"Let the record show she identified the defendants." The judge said.

"What happened at the building?" The prosecutor prodded her to continue.

"At first it was the usual bullying. Saying mean things, pushing me around and pulling my hair." She continued.

"They have done this before?" The prosecutor interrupted again.

"Yes. Every school day since 2009." Oh God! Since the moment I left then.

"Please continue with what happened at the building." The prosecutor directed.

"They forced me to make a video saying horrible things about my best friend. They said that if I didn't listen to them that they would send it to him." The video that I had believed was true.

"So they said that they were going to blackmail you with it?" The prosecutor prompted.

"Yes. They held a knife to my throat to force me to say those horrible things. Then the girls told the boys," she sobbed. "They told them that as payment for helping them they could (God no!) do whatever they wanted to me." She wrapped her arms around herself. The prosecutor offered her a tissue box. She took some.

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