Truth Will Out?

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I woke up to discover that I was in the hospital. I looked around and saw, no one. I looked for my phone to see the time. I was still looking when the door to my room opened. A nurse came in. "Oh, you're awake." She walked closer. "Let me take your vitals and then those handsome men outside can come in."

I let her do her thing and tried to make myself look presentable. I was expecting just Beakhyun and Chanyeol, maybe Jackson or Mark but to my surprise both groups walked in. "Um, this is a surprise. Thank you all for coming to see me. I'm sorry for all the fuss." I looked down.

Chanyeol came and grabbed my hands. "Are you alright now?"

"Yes. I'm sorry. It's been such a long time since I've had a panic attack. I was just really scared. I – I ran. I thought if I found you or Beakhyun, I would be able to calm down." I grimaced. "That didn't go so well." I looked over and saw Suho. "Thank you. I'm glad you knew what to do."

"You're welcome. We should introduce ourselves. I'm Suho." They went down the line telling me their names.

"I'm sorry for worrying you all." I looked at Chanyeol. "Did someone call my mom?"

"I did." JB stepped forward.

"Oh, I'm sorry to trouble you. What time is it? Shouldn't you all be back at your dorms resting? You all ate didn't you?" I just fired the questions at them.

Chanyeol just covered my mouth. "Yes, we all ate. It is just after the performance so it is not that late. You cannot expect us to rest if we don't see for ourselves that you are all right. Before you ask, you can leave in the morning."

"Don't think I didn't notice you skipped the exact time." I pointed out his slip.

"That's just because I don't know." He protested.

"You can see that I'm fine." I looked at them all. "You should all go and rest. I refuse to be responsible for making you look like pandas in front of your fans."

Got7 came over and I got hugs from most of them. "We need to talk after you get home." Jackson warned. I just nodded.

JB just said, "I'll be by in the morning to get you. I have to give them your insurance information then also."

I sighed and nodded. They left and most of Exo did also. It was just Chanyeol and Beakhyun. I looked at them and just blurted out, "I have to get out of there." I hugged Chanyeol. "Please, help me get out of there."

"Whatever you need, little one. We'll gladly help." Chanyeol assured me. I told him my plan.

The next morning

"Good morning. I'm Dr. Kim. How are you feeling?" A very nice lady said.

"I'm feeling much better, thank you." She took my vitals and gave me my paperwork with instructions for a follow up if needed. JB came in with clean clothes for me to wear. I quickly changed and we left. When we were back at the dorm, I realized we were alone. "Um, where is everyone?" I asked.

"We all had separate projects today. I was the only one that could change their schedule." He replied.

"Oh. Sorry for all the trouble." I refused to look at him. I didn't want to see his angry expression. That's why when I realized he was right in front of me, I was so shocked I backed up into the wall. Forget fight, I was ready for flight. I just wanted out of there. I turned to leave but he grabbed both my arms.

"No. This time you are not going to punch me and you're not going to run away." I looked at him, scared out of my wits. "Aunty said you have had panic attacks before. Why?"

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