40. Teach One Another

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"That's Orion right there, Marsh. Do you see it?"

The sky was clear and uncloudy over that little hill near the mansion. The stars were out, glittering in the sky like thousands of fireflies above them. Even if Marsh strained really hard, she couldn't see or hear any fireflies, or crickets, or any other animals.

It was like how squinting didn't make the shape any easier to see. "No..."

"C'mon, it's right there! Ah well; guess it's no big deal." Apple put her hands behind herself. "That's pretty much the only one I know, anyway."

"Maybe we should buy a book about it; that way we could identify some constellations."

"...Is it weird that I feel like you've said that before?"

Marsh grinned nostalgically. "Not at all, dear."

It really was like a moment out of the past, physically speaking. But it felt different. It was more relaxed, less holy. The topics of conversation had been generally light.

'It's interesting,' Marsh thought. 'Have I changed so much as a person that I see what's essentially the same date differently, or is it just our relationship that's leagues different? Are they not mutually exclusive?'

Soon, Apple chuckled. "When you think about it, it's so weird that our thing is stargazing. Neither of us knows much of anything about stars."

"I guess that's true... I could watch paint dry as long as you were there, though."

It was a very Apple thing to say; it was strange to hear it in her own voice.

Apple beamed. "Awww! Am I really good company?"

"You are. Even better than Walmart."

"Nooo... You can't mean that! Walmart has everything; nothing beats Walmart. Walmart's your favorite place ever in the whole wide world!"

Marsh rubbed the back of her head. "I-I mean, it is, but you give me more warm-fuzzies than Walmart ever could, even during a sale."

Apple laughed. "Aww... You're so sweet. Not to mention romantic!" Apple rolled onto her side and looked at her. "You'll have to give me a minute to think of a reply that's as great as that one."

"Take your time."

'...Maybe I really am a romantic after all,' Marsh thought. 'I always wished I was above it all... But I guess it could be worse. Maybe love is just making me really soft. And giddy. And lots of things. Either way, it could be a lot worse.'

"I could be your personal Walmart," Apple started to say a few moments later. "I'll give you everything you want. At least, as much as I can. And you could be my personal dictionary!"

She gave Apple a strange look. "...What? Aren't dictionaries stuffy, boring, and hard to understand?"

"Nope. You're filled with, what's the word... ah yes, knowledge, and always teach me something new, even if it's not what I'm used to," Apple replied earnestly. "You're filled with fun. ...And honestly, the cover isn't bad either..."

Marsh blushed. "You're able to see the beauty in just about anything, aren't you?"

"Maybe." Apple sounded proud. "If you're my dictionary, you can show me the meaning behind every word."

"I can sure try."

Without warning, Apple rolled and propped herself up on top of Marsh, her arms on either side of her shoulders.She grinned cluelessly.

A Marshmallow's Guide to Loving a Complete Idiot (Inanimate Insanity)(Marshple)Where stories live. Discover now