The remembrance of the Evans-an argument or betrayal?

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Yo, everyone! Thanks for taking the time to read this story! I am still new on Wattpad, but I have been in LOVE with Soul Eater ever since it first came out back in 2008       Anyways! I just have to thank Nezzarae-123 and ashley_perez1D for their support and encouragement! They are in my class at school and they also love Soul Eater! Ok, moving on! Enjoy:) :)





I scan the letter and seat myself at the long table, refraining myself from not crying. Why? Why didn't Soul tell me that the Evans wanted him to stop being my partner? When I partnered up with him, his family wasn't too excited in the first place...

I gaze down into the cursive,  hand written letter and take it into custody to my room. Shifting into my yellow and green sleep attire, I tuck Blair next to me.

That morning when it was time to leave, I didn't say a word to Soul. He behaved normal as always with his idiotic behavior, and his same grin. He was trying his best to hide it...loosing my grip around Soul almost makes me collapse off his bike.

Soul stops the bike and turns around to shout out, "What are you doing Maka?! Hang on and don't let go!" I nod my head and before we start moving again he asks, "What's up?" Soul looks down at me with a confused look and I reply, "Soul, let's just get going."


Ok, it's Wednesday and school is killing me. Why should someone as cool as me have to sit around all day and listen to the same thing over and over again? Dr.Stein keeps saying something, I don't pay attenton to him as he turns towards our direction.

"Maka and Soul, come down here and show they what I mean." I flinch, damn...I wasn't paying attention! Maka gets up and motions me to get down there in front of the class. Once the entire class is looking at us, I lean over to Maka and interrogate nervously, "What are we doing?"

Maka stammers back, "Don't worry, just turn into a Scythe and leave it to me." She looks away from me quickly, not wanting to make eye contact. What's her deal? I transform into a Sycthe, Maka wields me in front of the class. This pisses Black Star off and he leaps onto his desk and yowls out, "This is not right! If they're going to try and take the stage, then I'll be their opponent!"

Dr. Stein sighs, then nods his head huffing, "Go ahead." We take this outside with the entire class watching us from the shade. Black Star motions Tsubaki, "Tsubaki, Enchanted Sword mode!" Tsubaki nods her head and exclaims, "Right!"


After a few moments Black Star takes the first move and shreiks out, "YAHOO!" He runs up towards me using Speed Star striking me in the back with his Soul Wavelength: Finishing Strike. I get dazed and out of focus, Soul starts shouting at me, "Maka! Snap out of it Maka! If you don't hurry up, he's gonna beat us!"

I shake my head around and block an open palm attack from Black Star. The audience behind us stares in awe of what might happen next. At the same time Black Star and I expand our soul's and decide to use soul resonance. In unison of two weapons and two meisters, we all howl out,

"Let's go! Soul Resonance!"

Black Star comes at us yelling out,"Shadow Star!"

His shadows surrounding the entire ground beneath us giving him an advantage.

He jumps up just as I call out, "Witch Hunter!"

We both strike ou attacks at one another, he pushes me down, but I get back up. After a certain amount of time our attacks backfire, and we are both sent flying.


I get up as quickly as I can and vocalize out, "YAHOO! The BIG man showed you how it's done Maka! Hahahahahaha!" Tsubaki goes back to her human form and runs over to Maka on Soul's lap. Tsubaki whispers, "Is she ok?"

Soul nods his head and responds calmly, "Yeah, she won't die that easliy." I grin and turn my attention back to Dr.Stein and the entire class. I announce, "I told you all, I will surpass God! But first, I'll take out anyone that tries to take the stage, hahaha!"

Kid, Liz and Patty run over to Maka just as the end of the day bell rings.


My partners and I walk over to the commotion and question, "My, what happened here?" Tsubaki steps in and responds, "Well, while you were absent today, Dr.Stein decided that we show that we still have the abilities even after two months." I nod my head and turn around, "Well, I'll be attending tomorow. Right now everyone except for Maka has to stay and help out for the party again."

Patty excaims, "Oh, hey Kid! Do you think I could mess up some decorations?" Liz motions and tries to signal Patty by saying, "Now, now Patty that would be wrong knowing that-" I interrupt them and howl out, "No! No you can't Patty! If you ruin the symmetry, then my life as a Reaper, a person will be over!"

I walk alongside Liz, Patty and Tsubaki back into the Shibusen building.


Black Star stretches out and steadily says in a low tone, "When Maka wakes up, tell her that we have no hard feelings. 'K?" I grin while clapping is hand and respond, "You bet."

Once we finally get home, I carry Maka in my arms over to her room to let her rest. Maka's movements today were off, how come? Like, she didn't give it her all today...

I walk into the kitchen and grab an apple. I sink my pointed teeth into the juicy fruit tossing it in our little bin we have. I remember something, wait didn't I throw away that stupid letter? I cautiously peer around at the bin, yeah...Maka must've taken it out or something.

An hour later...

I hear Maka's door swing open as she steps out to see me in the living room watching TV. "Yo, Maka. Are you feeling alright?" Maka turns her head, again trying to not make eye contact with me. That's it! She did that earlier today, and suddenly there is nothing wrong. That's 'bull!


Soul brought me back home and I turned away before we could make eye contact. "I'm-I'm fine Soul-" Soul appears in front of me and states, "Spit it out, Maka." I fight really hard not to cry, I ask him, "Soul, do you trust me?" Soul flinches and replies, "Yeah, I do." A tear escapes from one of my eyes and races down my cheek.

I take out a paper from my pocket, I unfold it and hold it with one hand and exclaim in anger, "Then can you tell me what this is Soul?!" Soul is quick and snatches it from my hand and questions, "Where'd you get this?" I look down and utter, "When you aimed for the bin, you missed."

Soul shoves it down his pocket on his pants and tries to explain. "Maka, they just randomly sent me that letter. Wes quit and ditched the Evans, and they need someone else to do their dirty work, and make more money for them. That's why." I try not to break down but my voice dosen't seem to function when fighting back tears.

I whisper out, "You-You can go...if you want." Soul gives me a suprised and angry look, he growls under his breath and grabs my shoulders. Soul shakes me around screeches out, "Maka you idiot! What the heck are you saying, we're partners aren't we?! You remember when we first met?! I played a song...a song to show you who I am! I played it for you, so you could trust me! Arn't we suppose to be the coolest partners in the academy?!"

After a moment I burn up and shake his hands off my shoulder and burst out in an agitated temper ,"Shut up Soul! You don't know anything! Listen I don't need you! I never did! You men never change, always getting mad and spitting out nonsense, what I'm saying is that if you want to leave, then just go!" I turn around and start walking away slowly but Soul grabs my arm, haulting me to an automatic stop.

"Maka, where are you getting this stuff from?!" I shake his grasp on and huff with anger while replying by screeching out, "I've told you a million times, it's called Women's intuition!" Everything stays quiet, then Soul shouts out, "Your crazy! You should just die!" Before I walk away, I say quielty, "Why don't you die..."

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