Chapter 8

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"So, I was thinking, how about we go to a doctor to check your condition?" Hinata asks then gobbles all his sandwich in his hand.

He is currently with Yachi on one of the benches outdoors while eating lunch and discussing Yachi's state.

"I-I don't mind b-but, I'm scared to go. What if I-I stutter a lot in front of the doctor? He'll get annoyed at me for sure."
"So, you are scared if you get judged?"

Yachi shakes her head. "No, not only that. Just the thought of consulting one scares me. I don't know if I could handle the facts about myself. What if... it's a serious disease?"

"You sure can be pessimistic at times, huh?" He crumpled the plastic and throws it at a near trash can but failed to shoot it. He stood up from the bench and picks up his garbage and throws it. He went back to sit beside Yachi.

"I'm sorry. I just can't help being negative at all times," she mumbles.

Before Hinata could speak again, the school bell chimes for the next period. Yachi packs her finished lunch and the two went inside the building to attend their next class.


"Um, Hinata, where are we going?" Yachi asks while following the boy in front of her.

After the classes, Hinata came rushing towards their classroom and searched for Yachi. He told her to come with him because he has to go somewhere important. He looked serious so she didn't hesitate to go along with him. But it's been minutes after they left school and she doesn't know where are they going yet. They took a train and walk their way to some place after the train dropped them off. There are tall buildings and lots of cars on the road. She wondered what does Hinata need in this crowded place. The huge number of people makes her a little uncomfortable so she tries to stick near Hinata so she would feel safe.

Hinata looks behind him to check if Yachi is still following him. He noticed that she's getting uncomfortable in this situation. He grabs her by her hand, making the girl startled.

"Just a little farther, okay? Don't worry. I'll pay for the bus later," he smiles, assuring her.

She felt his hand squeezes hers. This somehow made her heart skip a beat. She slowly nods while looking on the ground. She doesn't know why but she can't look at Hinata right now.

After minutes of walking, they entered a white building. Yachi was puzzled when she saw some people on wheelchairs and some people holding some medicines. Why are they in a hospital, anyway? Maybe he's going to visit someone?

They stop in front of a room with a "PSYCHIATRY" sign on the door. She looks at him with "Hey, dude, what are we doing here?" look. He faced her and smiles.

"Sugawara-san told me to bring you here."

Hinata knocks on the door and few seconds later, it was open by a secretary of the doctor. She smiles upon seeing them.

"How can I help you?" She asks.

"We're here for a checkup. Is the doctor still there?" Hinata said.

The older girl nods. "Yup. I'll just take your records."

She walks to her table and grabs her notebook and a pen. She told them to come in and hands them to Hinata. Hinata fills up the information he knows about Yachi and asks the other questions to her. When they're done, the secretary gave the record to the psychiatrist and leads them to the doctor inside.

The middle-aged man smiles at them and beckons them to sit down on the chairs near the doctor's table. They took their seats and Yachi can't help but feel uncomfortable in this situation. Thoughts came flooding her head. Her palms are getting sweaty and she's feeling a little dizzy.

"Yachi Hitoka-chan, right?" The psychiatrist asks while staring at the paper in his hands.

She could only nod in respond because she can feel the lump growing in her throat.

"So, how can I help you?"

Inhale. Exhale. Then, she opens her mouth to speak but no words came out. As if she became mute all of a sudden. She's making the doctor wait. It's humiliating. But she can't help it.

"She was having panic attacks in school," Hinata answered for her. She looks at him and smiles in gratefulness.

The doctor asks more questions but Hinata answered most of it. Yachi would answer some questions with nods and sometimes shakes her head no. After few minutes of interviewing them, he finally said her illnesses. 

"It's generalized anxiety disorder or GAD. You have panic disorder as well.  Don't worry. Having panic attacks and GAD is not fatal. We have cure for that," the man said then wrote something on the thick, small paper. He hands it to Yachi and explains the medication, what time she's supposed to take the medicine and her next appointment.

After the short discussion, they pay at the secretary and went to the train station. It was silent the whole time. Even Hinata who speaks a lot didn't say anything. It is probably because of the atmosphere of the hospital. Wait, the hospital has nothing to do with it so let's not blame the hospital.

When the train arrives, they went in and took some free seats. Trains are usually pack with people but today's different. It's already late in the evening so most of the people are already home.

Back to the two teenagers. Since it's already this late, Hinata is now drained. Well, not as drained as Yachi who endured the exhausting socializing the whole time. Even if she's out of energy, she endures it and keeps herself awake. The view outside is beautiful which is enough to entertain her and prevent her from sleeping. She felt something fell on her shoulder. It was Hinata's head. He's already sound asleep.

"So, I guess he's just sleepy that's why he's not chattery," Yachi mumbles to herself while looking at the sleeping face of Hinata. She giggles at the face he is making while sleeping. "Thank you very much... for all doing this just for me."


My doctor is nice. His pen is also nice. I think it's good for drawing. But I can't ask him what is the pen he was using. Lmao don't mind me. I'm just crazy for pens.

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