The Duels

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Seventeen's POV

"I want her dead." A voice came from inside the room. I took another swig of wine out of the flute I was holding.

"10 million." Another voice replied gruffly.

"Excuse me?"

"If you want Seventeen dead, give me 10 million dollars by the end of the week." The man stated. I listened in to the conversation while leaning against the door outside the room. A flute filled with wine was in my hand.

Cracking my neck before spinning around and kicking the door open, two men conversing inside the room. I held my flute up in a toast before taking another swig.

"Yes?" The one with the rough voice and apparently not so good attitude demanded.

"Mikhail Konstantin. Assassin from Russia, hired by Drug Lord Zachary Heinz to assassinate Seventeen." I stated ignoring his question pausing to take another sip of wine, "Apparently the best assassin in Russia, second best in the world. Seventeen, your target, best assassin in Cali, best assassin in the world too. Drug Lord Zachary, biggest drug dealer in Cali, hates Seventeen for stopping his deal with-" I took a look of them before and took another swig, this wine was so good, "I suppose you know that I know the rest."

"Who are you?" Mikhail pointed a gun at me.

"A pissy teen who stumbled across a private room in a bar that just happens to know about the deal the men inside the room are making." I answered sarcastically.

"Let me repeat, who are you? I don't normally kill children but I can make an exception today. I'll give you a chance, I'd hate to see your head being blown up." Mikhail growled. I raised an uninterested eyebrow.

"Not sure I believe that." I remarked while cocking my head, "Yes the gun is pointed at me but not at a vital organ, even if you shoot me there'll only be a twenty percent chance I'll die, and it'll be because of blood loss. After all, you need me alive to answer all those questions you have in that teeny tiny head of yours."

"Tell me." Mikhail threatened while adjusting the position of his gun, "Or I'll kill you."

"Not if I do it first." I commented. As soon as the sentence stopped, a dagger thrown by my hand was lodged into his skull. The finest one in my collection. He should be honoured that it was the cause of his death.

"Stay back." Zachary warned backing away from me, "I have done nothing against you."

"I have done nothing against you." I mimicked his tone, raising a very unimpressed brow, "You have very much a vengeance against me that you are willing to kill me for it."

"At least tell me the name of the person who'll take my life." He pleaded trying to buy himself more time. I tilted my head to my side, looking into his eyes.

The window to his soul

"Nah, I'd deprive you of that. Curiosity killed the cat didn't it? Maybe it'll bring you back from the dead, don't you think." I commented dryly before another dagger made its way to his heart. I closed my eyes and waited for the sound of his body falling onto the ground. I downed all the wine before dropping the flute.

Hearing the satisfying sound of shattering glass, I opened my eyes and licked my lips as I studied the two bodies. Stepping over the broken glass, I made my way to retrieve my daggers. Cleaning them with a cloth, I hid them back into my sleeves.

I made my way out of the second floor, hearing the loud blare of music on the first floor. These fools were stupid enough to make a deal in this territory.

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