10 facts

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So apparently, my dear dear friend Fluffyishappy221 tagged me and I'm supposed to reveal 10 facts about myself.


1. I cannot smile properly if I show my teeth (Weird, I know.)
2. I'm a coffee person
3. The only sport I actually like is badminton
4. My one true fatal weakness is sad movies (I always end up crying)
5. I suck at chess
6. I have a collection of nanoblocks (search it up if you have no idea what it is)
7. I love math and sudoku
8. I collect quotes
9. I would take pencils over pens any day
10. My favourite song changes every 2 weeks (at least)

Tagging people time 😁


I know I'm supposed to tag 10 people but hahaha well.....
I've got no one so....

*disappears before anybody can do anything*

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