Chapter VIII

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It was now past 6pm and after wandering around the mansion, discovering every inch of this treasure like a child exploring his new playroom, I took the living in hostage.

I usually didn't watch TV preferring a walk to the mall, or any activity involving me leaving the house and doing some little physique exercise but today I was just too drained to go out.

Sure I was curious to what my new environment would offer but the events that took place earlier certainly took a toll on me.

I didn't know what to think anymore, I was physically and emotionally drained. Who wouldn't after hearing your supposed husband already had a wife? What was I going to do? I couldn't leave that's for sure.
The question now was, am I going through with what I was brought here for?

I certainly wasn't eager to be pregnant with a man who didn't love me and just wanted to get between my legs just to accomplish his goal but I couldn't risk my parents being arrested and put to jail for the rest of their lives.

Sometimes sacrifices needed to be made and I was ready to make a deal, a child against my parents freedom.

I know it sounds cruel for the baby but I have no other choice for I know he would never agree to the deal if I was not going to give him what he wants.

I was brought back from my thoughts by Chris entering the living room. I looked up at him a faint smile playing on my lips.

"Madam, the queen's here to see you" he announced. I didn't have the Time to react as a woman elegantly entered the room a big smile plastered on her face.

Her slim body nicely draped around a red dress and her black hair gently tucked in a pony tail.

I stood up nervously as she made her way to me.

"Such a cute bride for my son" she said bringing me into a hug. She was a strong woman that's for sure with how strong her arms were around me.

"Now let me introduce myself" she said finally letting go of my poor self

"I'm Christian's mother as you probably guessed! Elisabeth Knowles" she announced pulling my wrist making us fall on the couch I was sitting on earlier.
So Christian is his name.. I looked at Chris surprised at how similar their names were.

"Hi, I'm--"

"Orion Bellemare! I know honey" she cut me off patting my head

"So you're Luca's son! How the hell did this skirt chaser settled down!? " she said putting a hand on her chest like she was offended by what she just said

Lucas, dad's name and yeah I'm not surprised by what she just said about dad being a skirt chaser. Mom made sure to tell me every detail on how of a bad boy he was.
We chuckled before she added

"I kind of miss him" she said suddenly being thoughtful before gasping and looking at me like she said something she shouldn't have

"Don't misunderstand me! We were not in that kind of relationship. I mean I could have never been in love with him! Oh gosh what am I even saying! "

"I didn't say anything" I teased

"Oh you did! Those accusing eyes of yours did! I saw that! "  I put my hands up surrendering

"We were just best friends honey"

"Really? "

"Yeah... how is everyone doing?" She said her mood literally drooping

"They're are doing fine" I said feeling a bit sorry for her, I knew exactly what she meant and I could see it in her eyes. She missed her old life and by everyone she meant her family, her parents.

"Mr and Mrs Knowles are doing fine" I finally said. She looked at me surprise filling her beautiful blue eyes.

"Oh really? That's good then" she said almost wishpering.

"Oh honey, let's talk about you! How are hanging in here" she didn't want to further talk about it and I was going to respect that.

"Barely hanging" I said sighting

"What happened honey? Don't tell me Chris---"

She didn't finish her sentence as tears made their way down my cheeks my emotions finally too much t contain.

I cried and cried, this was the second time in my life I was feeling so powerless. I couldn't go through it a second time, I didn't have the strength i needed to.

I bawled my eyes out in her arms, whimpering how I couldn't take it anymore, how I didn't know what to do anymore.

She let me cry, just soothing me with her hand on my back rocking us slowly.

She didn't say anything just let me speak my heart out and cry all I wanted. And I did, till there was no tears to cry anymore. I quieted down and was now just sniffing.

She leaned back and took my chin between her thumb and fore finger wiping away the remaining tears on my cheeks.

"Such a big baby" she said chuckling

"Look at me honey" she commanded and I opened my eyes looking at her.

"Listen. " she said her face now serious and it made me a bit nervous, I was sure she was going to tell me I couldn't let our people down or how disappointed she was having a weakling like me as her son's bride. But to my surprise she didn't.

"I know you think you're powerless, weak. And let me tell you something, right now you're the one who holds the  power in this kingdom! So you're going to use it you hear me! Don't make the same mistake I did" I gulped not understanding what she meant but nodded anyway.

"Good! " she said brightly smiling

"Now listen carefully! " she said loud enough for Chris to clear his throat. I chuckled leaning back on the couch.

"Chris wants a baby from you? give him a baby! Wait! Let me finish!
You don't like sharing your husband? Then don't share!
You just have to find how you're going to do that. Fortunately for you I know how to make it possible! " she said a smirk playing on her lips.

I was going to ask how when she shushed me with her finger up in the air

"He's a man, and like any man, he needs some seducing from your part"
I felt my cheeks starting to heat up.
Oh gosh, now slap me please! I'm going to have a talk on how to seduce my husband with my mother in law! Can anything be more embarrassing than that?

"Now! For that submission first honey! He's a tiger and soon to be king! Meaning a dominant, so you have to let him have his way most of the time!"

"You have to be sweet, you have to take care of him, little treats. Sometimes enticing him like calling him when he's at work with some little dirty talking. Have him always thinking about you, let him think he's your everything while the truth  would be that you are his everything"

"But be careful, you have to be smart. Tiger are natural predator, when you think you have him under control, he's actually the one in control. About his 'wife' don't bother thinking about her. Yes she was there before you but you mean much more so know how how to use it! "

"Now show me that cute smile of yours! "

Well that of course I wasn't prepared for it, my mother in law was now my support and of course I was going to use every advice she gave me.
And you my dear husband going to be surprised.


I knowww I said I wasn't publishing anymore but huh here I am! 😁😁


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