Chapter VII

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Walking a few steps behind Chris who was supposed to lead me to the waiting prince, my gaze traveled to the portraits I passed earlier. Though I didn't recognised anyone, I guessed they were all part of the royal family.

One particular portrait taking my attention, it was certainly a family portrait but I couldn't tell which one were the parents or which the child were but what struck me was their eyes.

There was something peculiar about them but I couldn't put my finger on what it was.

We went trough the long corridor, went down the stairs passing by the huge kitchen any housewife would have dreamed having and as we approached what seemed like the dining room, a heated conversation was heard.

I recognised a voice as the prince's and the other being a female's. And with how much screaming she was doing, must be pretty serious..

"You know pretty well that it's not for us to decide! " the prince said with a heated voice. He was not yelling like the female but his voice made it clear he was pissed

"Of course it is! You could have just rejected him! You already have me! " she yelled back and ow I knew from then that there was one more person not happy about the marriage.

"Raechelle, you know I can't do that! I need a heir"

"Is it just for the baby then? " the female Raechelle said, seeming to have calmed down

"Of course, you're my wife but you can't give me a heir so we have no other choice" as those words left his mouth I understood what was going on and his eyes widening as they landed on me confirmed it all.

I was just going to be used.. A child bearer that's just what they wanted.. The guy had a wife and he didn't need a second no, what he needed was a heir and that just what I would be to him; a body to bear his child.

I've never felt this used before.

At that moment, I felt dirty, soiled remembering how he raped me.

How he made a fool out of me, my parents, and my clan.
Did they know how those people looked at us? How they used us for their purpose like mere animals? To be used and tossed? They surely couldn't imagine they already had wives chosen in their own clan and was just looking for child's bearers.

I was shocked, too shocked to even blink as I stared at him my heart broking into million pieces.
I internally laughed at myself, how could I have been so stupid?
Even getting excited to start a new life here, thinking he was mine.

I was not in love with the man but started to feel a pull toward him and at that moment I thanked God my heart wasn't too deep into this shit!

"Don't you dare come near me" I snarled as he stepped in my direction and that made him stop dead in his track.
I was hurting so much but I was not going to shed tears for this asshole! I just started shaking, my lips parted and what came out of it even I didn't see it coming. I went into a laughing fit.

My body constantly shaking, couldn't seem to stop

"Orion...? "He voice resonated, confused and surprised

"Well.. "I said catching my breath and wiping the tears in the corner of my eyes from my laughing fit

"My dear future husband who I don't even know the name of, you seem so smart that I'm a bit confused as to how you could have  made such a mistake" I said mockingly

"What do you mean?.. Liste--"

"What I mean.. " I cut him off then hummed

"You should have taken the only opportunity you had to accomplish your sickening goal! " I almost yelled

"What are you.. " he started then stopped realization crossing his mind

"Yes. And you damn well will wish you hadn't pulled out. You are never touching me again. " I added victoriously.

I turned my attention to the woman for the first time that was supposed to be his wife leaving my words to sink into the shocked husband.

"Raechelle was it? " I said bitterly with a mocking smirk

"Don't worry about me, but better start finding out how you gon give a heir to our husband. Because I highly doubt that letting him pound you will do right? " I said watching as her expression was now filled with horror and disgust

"Un sighteful and vulgar too" she spat

"Ho honey" I said looking back at the husband in question

"Don't worry, we're still going through the ceremony" he said nothing looking at me with a dangerous glint in his eyes that made me shiver.

"Chris" I said averting my gaze from him

"Yes madam? " I rolled my eyes but it was useless talking some sense into that thick skull of his. We already debated long enough about the subject. Him refusing to call me anything other than 'madam'. I was too tired for arguing again.

"I'm hungry"

"This way please, breakfast's ready" he said leading me to the kitchen.
I followed him without glancing back.

The delicious smell that hit me right as we entered the kitchen made my mouth water and took my mind off difficult things.

"I suppose madam would prefer eating here than in the dining room? "

"Yes Chris, you supposed right" I said as I sat around the big kitchen's isle. Gobbling the delicious plate Chris placed before me.

Food's the best therapy and I could argument on that for hours.
And this on my plate was just too delectable.                              

The eggs almost melting in my mouth, the bacon sinfully good and perfect on the homemade cornbread.
I silently ate, forgetting everything even Chris standing in a corner waiting for me to finish.

Only when I heard steps coming into the kitchen did my mind snap back to earth.

I turned around to see the prince halting before me.

Ignoring him, I just went back to my food. Jumping a bit startled by an arm snaking around my waist.

"Chris, leave us" he said and I just stood on my feet ready to leave too but his arm around my waist went tighter.
He stood behind and I could feel his warm chest on my back. How this moment would have been perfect if..

I was cut off my thoughts as he pressed a kiss down the back of my neck a rumble escaping his throat
I shivered and bit down my bottom lips my body remembering the sinful night

"What do you think you're doing? " I yelped trying to free myself but only managed for him to tighten his grasp on me, his body pressing into my back.
Panic hit me when I felt his member poking my bottom.

"Let me go! " I whimpered once more and this time he did let me go with a fierce growl. 
Turning around to look at him, his eyes color had changed. From crystal light blue to deep amber orbs.

"You---" I was cut off by his lips pressing mine, roughly ravishing me. The kiss was fierce far from any gentleness hurting a bit.
His tongue hot exploring every inch of my month made me a hot whimpering mess as his hands made their way to my back.

His lips finally left me after what seemed like agonizing hours,his tongue licking my bottom lip as a low growl escaped him.       Low and lustful as his amber orbs pinned me there.
He pecked my lips once, twice,  went down my neck then my cheek before wishpering into my ear, his hot breath fanning the back of my neck.
Goosebumps traveling down my neck to the rest of my body clinging to his muscled biceps for my sanity as his words sank into me.

Leaning back, he pecked my lips again then his hands were gone. I fell back to my chair my heart hammering into my chest as his words played back in my mind again and again

                  "My dear wife, you may want to search on how a to         escape a tiger in rut"

It's a little bit depressing writing and reading this story by myself!! 😅😅
So vote and comment for some encouragement 💋💋 or useful advice.
Till next chapter❤don't forget to vote❤❤❤❤❤

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