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P.O.V. Yoongi.
I sigh as I enter the hospital. I had put my earphones in my ears, beanie covering my head.

I have had leukemia since I was 11, which is 13 years ago. When I was about 15 they told me I wouldn't make it but here I am, 5 years later.

"Hello Yoongi." My nurse says as I enter the room. She was the one that has stuck with me since the beginning.

"Hey Angie." I say.

"I hope you're okay with the day change." Angie says with a kind smile. We enter the room and it's really busy, I was usually getting chemo's on Sunday but they changed my day to Tuesday so I can sit with people my age.

"Wow, it's really busy." I say looking around. Angie chuckles. I sit down in the chair and she puts the needle in my arm.

"I'll be back." She smiles. I smile at her and she leaves. After a while a boy sits down next to me. He has a beanie on his head and is wearing simple clothes. Angie also plugs him in and walks away again. I grab my phone and start playing with it, being bored out of my mind.

"I've never seen you here before." The boy says from beside me.

"No, I usually went on Sunday but, things change." I say.

"My name's Hoseok." He says.

"Yoongi." I say, not looking at him.

"So, whatcha doing here?" He asks.

"Really?" I ask lifting my arm with the needle.

"I mean, why are you getting Chemo, what's your story?" He asks, rephrasing himself.

"When I was 11 I was diagnosed with Leukaemia. When I was 15 I was supposed to die but here I am, totally giving up on life." I say as I turn back to my phone.

"I also have Leukaemia, got it when I was 13, things have being going since then." He says smiling.

"How old are you?" I ask.

"19, you?" He asks.

"20." I say.

"And what are your hobbies?" He asks.

"I used to rap a lot, dance a little, I loved to play the piano, but these days I just watch TV and read books." I say.

"Hmm, sounds cool, my friend Namjoon and I also rap a lot, I personally love dancing." He says. "Dancing is everything I want to do, my sister has a dance studio that I always go to." He says. I smile at his enthusiasm.

"Sounds nice." I say sinking in my seat.

"You should come sometime." He says. "I think you'll like my friends." He says. He grabs a pen and scribbles something on a paper.

"Here, for when you're bored." He says. Angie walks back to us and it went faster than I thought this time. She starts unplugging me and after that turns to Hoseok.

"You're okay to go home, you guys know the drill, good luck." She says. We walk out the doors and a group of people stand up.

"Text me." He says as he walks over to the group of boys. I smile and turn to the exit and start walking as I put my earphones in.

I enter my home and Holly walks up to me wagging her tail. My mom smiles at me from the kitchen. I pull out my earphones and take of my jacket.

"I was making noodle soup." She says. I smile at her and place a kiss on her cheek. I sit down on the couch. I pull out the paper from my pocket and look at it. It won't hurt to have a friend right? I sigh and put his number in my phone and decide to send him a hi.

"Erm, who's this?" He responds after a while.

"Yoongi." I send back.

"Oh! Yoongi Hyung, I didn't think you'd text me." I kinda smile at that.

"Well, you gave me your number, might as well make it worth it." I send him. My mom walks over to me.

"The soups ready." She says. I nod and get up. After this I'll probably feel sick for the coming few days so I might as well enjoy it. I sit across from my mom at the table. I pretty much inhale the soup and after a second bowl I feel the urge to lie down.

"Are you okay?" My mother asks. I smile and nod. She's been taking care of me and Holly on her own. My father is in the military so he's pretty much always gone. After dinner I help my mom do the dishes. I once again sit down on the couch and soon feel nauseated. I reach for the bucket and throw up. Holly lays his head on my lap in a comforting way. I smile a little. I will definitely miss him. I lean back and my mom takes the bucket from my hands. She empties it and cleans it out. I sigh and she comes back.

"You should go to bed." My mom says. I nod. She kisses my sweaty forehead and I get up. I gently take the bucket from her and walk to my room. I sigh and put the bucket down next to my bed. My eyes fall onto the door that connects my room to the other room. Another room another me. I walk over to it and remember talking to Hoseok earlier.

I used to love that room.

I rest my hand on the doorknob. I sigh and pull away. I change into some sweatpants and lay down in my bed. I pull my covers up to my nose and fell asleep.

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