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P.O.V. Hoseok.
I hum as we collect our stuff. Yoongi grabs my hand and we walk into the welcome hall where we are met with our friends.

"Hyung!" Taehyung yells and practically jumps onto me. I smile and wrap my arms around him.

"Hey there Tae Tae." I chuckle. I hug everyone and Jin drives us to Yoongi's house where we meet up with Yoongi's mom.

"Okay, tell us everything!" Namjoon says. I smile.

"It was great, our hotels where all great, the people where kind, the food was great and the country's where beautiful, it feels like we've been only gone for a week." I say. Yoongi nods with a smile, showing some pictures.

"A week? You've been gone for almost a year! Time to stay home." Jin says. I chuckle.

"Hyung, of course we won't leave, we can't miss your wedding." Yoongi says. Jin smiles.

"Well, it's gonna be epic." Jin says, Namjoon chuckles.

"Of course." Yoongi says, making the others chuckle. We sit there for a while, talking and having fun. After a while I say goodbye to Yoongi and head home where my sister is waiting for me.

"Hello Hobi, did you have fun?" She asks, wrapping her arms around me. My sister had been taking care of me ever since our parents died, she was a hard working person and always does her best.

"I did, it was all so beautiful, I did miss you Noona." I say. She smiles and I tell her all the stories.

"And then we got lost." I say with a chuckle.

"How did you get back?" She asks.

"We asked a person with google translate." I say. She chuckles.

"You should study english if you ever decide to do something like this again." She says, I smile and nod.

"Yeah, we really should." I say smiling.

- - -

I groan as my phone rings.

"Hello?" I ask. I look at the time to see it's only 2 A.M.

"Hyung! Come out, we organized a bachelor party for Jin hyung!" Jimin screams in my phone.

"Jimin, it's fucking 2 A.M." I say annoyed, getting out of bed anyway.

"Please Hyung." I hear Taehyung say. I sigh.

"Fine." I say as I slip on some clothes. I hang up and get ready. Leaving the house to be met with Jimin and Taehyung, Jin hyung standing by Jimin's car with a blindfold.

"Hyung, let's go!" Jimin says, dragging me to the car. I sigh and get in. Jimin drives us to some kind of bar and we get out, loud music greeting us.

"Minnie, you go have a drink, I'll drive us back." I say. He look up at me.

"Really?" He asks. I nod.

"Go on." I say. He smiles and hands me his keys. I sit down with the others and soon Jimin appears with some shots. This was gonna be a long night, and I definitely wasn't in the mood.

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