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P.O.V. Yoongi.
We had planned the wedding the next month. I was rushing it a little. Dr. Ye warned me, if I get sick again it can be a lot worse and I might not even make it.

"Yoongi, you in here?" Joons voice sounds trough the door. I sit up as the door opens.

"What are you doing here?" I ask. Jungkook pops up from behind him with a smile.

"Well, it's your last night as a free man so, bachelor party!" Jungkook yells. I sigh as Namjoon pulls me up.

"Fine, give me a few minutes." I grumble as I walk into my bathroom. I freshen up and throw on some jeans and a shirt. I walk out and the guys smile at me.

"Let's go." I say. They drag me out of the house and into Namjoon's car. I sigh.

"If this has anything to do with strippers, I don't wanna go." I say. Namjoon chuckles.

"Relax Yoon." He says. We soon park and get out. We walk a little and end up in front of a fancy looking noodle place. We walk in and the girl at the front desk smiles at us.

"Welcome, how may I help you?" She asks. Namjoon smiles.

"I reserved a spot, Kim Namjoon." She looks at the computer and smiles.

"Walk with me please." She says. We follow her and end up on a round couch with a fish tank next to it which is filled with colorful fish and crabs. Namjoon smiles as he looks at the crabs and I roll my eyes with a smile. This was all I could wish for.

- - -

P.O.V. Hoseok.
"Hobi, calm down." Jin hyung says.

"How can I calm down?" I ask. I grab a book and throw it across the room. Jin walks up to me and wraps his arms around me. I try to escape from his grip but give up and slump in his arms as I start crying.

"Yoongi can't know, hyung I promised to take care of him. I promised I'd be there for him." I sob, my hands clutching at hyung's shirt. He gently rubs my back.

"Yoongi loves you Hobi, he needs to know. He won't be mad, there is nothing you can do about it." He says. His smooth voice ringing in my ear.

"It's unfair hyung." I sob. It was unfair. Yoongi and I should both be able to live a long and happy life together. We should be able to travel, start a family, make memories. Now we where both gonna die.

"I know it is Hobi, I know." He says. We stay like that for a while. It was so stupid. I was just going in for my usual check up when Dr. Ye saw the signs. He got me tested. Now I was sick again, just like that. I was gonna die. Three years tops. Is this how Yoongi felt?

"It's unfair." I say as I weakly punch Jin hyung's chest.

"I'm so sorry Hobi." He says. I let go of him.

"Can you please leave me alone?" I ask. Jin nods and closes the door to my bedroom. I let myself fall onto the bed and hug my pillow, sobbing my eyes out. It was so unfair. Why was this happening to us?

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