Chapter Six

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Grey eyes, holding a storm in them, never left me the entire night as we talked.

He stayed by my side all night talking and laughing and making me smile more than I had my entire life.

"So does Mike knows you do that?" he asked after I told him about how I hide those books which I like the most and don't want people to destroy them.

" If he knew he would definitely give me an earful. He is sweet but he is very serious about library and if he knew god help me he would chase me with a stick in his hand beating the shit out of me." he laughed, a full blown laugh startling some people around us as they chatted.

"I would love to meet him sometime and to tell him this secret of yours just to watch him chasing you with that stick." he said laughing.

"Remind me to never let you in library. You are banned from that place for life." I said moving around as a waiter tried to make his way.

"You know you can't do that." he said when I was back at my place and turned to face him.

"You guys looks like you are having fun." Daniel came with a wide grin. He had a glass of some dark liquid in his hand.

"Yeah since you left me here all on my own." I fixed my hard glare on him. He laughed and moved his hand up in surrender.

"Sorry Scarlett I needed to talk to Mel." he said moving around to face Xavier.
"you behaved yourself around this beautiful girl right?" he asked and my eyes went wide, my brows on my forehead went high. He is talking to his boss that way?

"Of course I did. I'm a gentleman and my name is not Daniel you know." he said in a teasing voice.

"ok what's going on, am I missing something here?" I moved in their conversation.

"What?" Daniel asked giving me a confused look. When I looked between them he laughed.
"Oh that, didn't I told you he is my brother as well?"

"What?" I asked confused. He never told me they are brothers he just said they are boss and employee. And hell they don't even look similar.

"I must have forgot. He is my adopted brother." he said moving towards Xavier, slapping him on the back which Xavier replied by pushing him away.

"I'm still your boss Daniel don't test me." Xavier kind if growled at Daniel moving away from him.

"Yeah whatever." Daniel murmured.

They both stared at each other doing that talking with eyes thing. And then Daniel nodded subtly as if to not show anyone else.

"Scarlett do you mind if I take Melissa home with me? You know, alone?" he said turning to me and then turned back to his brother.
"You mind dropping her?" he asked jerking his head towards me.

Before I can say anything Xavier agreed and Daniel was gone with a quick goodbye and a kiss to my cheek and nod at Xavier.


My eyes focus on the lights on the cars passing through us. Roads silent, shops closed, a calm and safe environment is what all I needed.

I turned towards the man sitting besides me. A hand resting on the wheel, other on his leg. His jaw as sharp as a blade, his eyes darting towards me sensing my eyes on him. He smiles slightly and then turned toward the road again.

We have been in this same position about fifteen minutes. He insisted on dropping me at my place, and after telling him my address we drove off from his mansion.

"So you had fun?" Xavier asked glancing at me. I smiled nodding at him.

"Yeah. It was a beautiful party." his nodded to himself.
"why was this party again?" I asked him when he turned into streets from the main roads.

"I got a big deal which I was trying to get over a year. It's just got final." he said turning again when I pointed to the left.

"Well that's great." I mutter when he parked in front of my apartment, looking at my house.
"umm..that's me." I said clicking my seat belt off.

As I got out of the car, he moved as well coming towards my side, his hands sticking to his pant pockets. He looked at my apartment and then at me. My feet shuffle, not yet ready to get inside.

"So umm..I." he looked down again rubbing a hand at the back of his neck. "You wanna go breakfast with me tomorrow?" he said in one breath, still looking nervous.

"Breakfast?" I laughed and then looked at him "I've never been to breakfast with someone." I told him.

"So it's nice right? New for both of us." he said giving me that heartwarming smile.

"I would love that." I said moving forward for my door.

"Ok then, umm.. I'll see you tomorrow then?" he asked as he follows me to my door, stopping just below three stairs at my door.

"Yeah....yes you will." I said unlocking my door and turn to look at him smiling wide. "Goodnight Xavier." my voice came just as breathless as I was feeling around him.

He smiled as well, then nodded to me.

"Goodnight Scarlett."

And then he turn moving towards him car, getting in he looked at me again before starting the car. I waved at him, my stomach full of those fluttering butterflies. He waved and then nodded towards my apartment then drove off with smoke filling the streets.

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