Scarlett pov

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The look, the only look in his eyes was of hurt, was of pain when he said he would let me go. That instant moment I made a decision, the most important decision of my life. I'LL NEVER LEAVE HIM. He was lost in his life which was clearly visible in his eyes, when he told me that it was his fault.

The shame which was dropping his eyes from me, gave me a different look of that Xavier knight who was different, a new xavier. Because the one to whom iam aware of was not  lost, but now he was lost and that gave me a piercing pain in my heart.

The feeling i was having for Xavier are taking good troll on me. Even i was shocked about what iam feeling for him. The pain he was going through that same pain was there in my chest and how much i try but i can't just ignore it.

Feeling his gaze on me, i turn around to find him looking at me longingly.
I know that look, its the same when look we give people when we don't want them to just disappear, to just leave you on your own.

Taking his left hand from the steering, I interlaced our fingers. Giving a squeeze to his hand, telling him silently that iam here and not going anywhere where.
He just hold my hand and the ride was like hell for me. I can feel that was the same for him.

"You know" Xavier broke our awkward silence parking the car at the side of road where the people were so busy in their life that they didn't even notice a car got parked in no parking.  When I looked back at him he was looking at our hands and tightened his grip. "When i was little" he chuckled, debating himself to tell me or not. "My mum, she has to leave me for some reasons and i was just eight years old. I didn't understand than that why she was leaving me but was sure she has to. She told me that "when you love someone and if you have to leave them for their own good, you will do it without any hesitation. Because you know that they will be happy without you"    and with that she just left me standing there in that rain, running for my good"

I was shocked, what he told me was one of those parts of his life which iam sure he didn't want to open again, no one want to.
Xavier never told me anything about him, whenever i asked about what he do, his parents, his life. The only answer i got was that i will get all answer by time itself. And now when he was telling me something that precious to his life, I was speechless I don't know how to reply.

"Iam sure, she did love you for all her doing. It must have been hard for her to leave her small boy all alone" I dont know why i said that but i did and in that moment i was able to feel what it was to have a mother who will do anything for her child.
I was having that ~ experiencing that~ love which i never got.

He didn't reply though, just start the car again to its life and led us to Mel's house.
I was curious, confused, the things taking place in my life, the things Xavier was telling and the feeling i was having.

Mel's house was now in view and he tightened his grip on my hand, not meaning, not wanting to let me go.

After parking in front of the house, we both were debating to ourselfs to let go or not. With a sigh he release my hand from his, but only to cup my face with his hands. Xavier leans in placing his lips to my forhead with feather kisses, lingering there for some time and then he took my mouth to his. Capturing my lips with his and just holding them there, my hands were on his chest rubbing gently his upper chest soaking the warmth. Sliding my hand to the nape of his neck i took loss strands, pulling him and moving forward to kiss him with all what I have.

We stayed there for a long time in each other's arms. Xavier kissing me occasionally on wherever he can get, my forehead, lips, cheeks, eyes, neck. I was soaked in him, and in that moment i know what this is, what we have and we both feels the same.

Pulling apart we made our way to the house in front of us. Our hands joined, my body pressed to his.
He knocks on the door and a very cheerful Mel welcome us and to me with a hug which was that hard that i cant even breath.

"Can't.... breath" i said trying to complete my sentence. She slowly pulled away and then i notice she was crying her eyes filled with tears.
"Hey..... What's wrong baby?" i asked her softly, because she is strong and i never saw her crying.

"I-I w-.. was so worried for you....are you alright?" Her words were indicating that she is really worried for me.

I pull her to me for a bear hug and she again wrap me in her arms.
She always gave me that feeling of elder sister which i never had, caring, teasing but above all loving me, being there for me.

When we broke apart, she eyed Xavier. Mumbling a small hello and receiving just a curt nod for him, we made our way inside. Again i was pulled in a hug but this time the person was gentle, softly stroking my hairs and pinning my head to his chest.

"Oh cupcake we were worried for you" Daniel's soothing voice came and i relaxed into him knowing his intensions were to only sooth me. Slightly pulling he kissed my forehead and then leave me.

"Thank you Daniel, I am fine" i smile up at him warmly. And again the curt nods between the mans.

Mel has made us lunch and after seeing the delicious food on the dinning table we all dig in.
But my mind wander on the man besides me, taking his hand under the table and placing them on my lap we ate our lunch. Me with the new felling and other happy for me.

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