Scarlett pov

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"so what Happened to my home" I asked Xavier as we sat on the dinning table and having our midnight noodles.
Xavier was a great cook he can literally make anything and it will definitely going to taste like heaven..

He didn't reply but i can see he tensed a little bit and stuff his mouth with noodles, maybe trying not to answer me.

"Um...there just got some robbery" he shrugged..

"Xav, that's not what that looked like"
I said with a frown

Yes, it definitely was not just some robbers. It was something else something which will shake you up to the core.

The X that was on walls, the paints, the frame of my parents all of them its something else.

"I don't think so" he said without looking up at me.

I just let the conversation die. He seemed to be not wanting to talk about that, but i want my answers and i will get them but in morning now at the 3am in the morning i dont think i can sit any longer.

Once we both had finished our plates, i went to grab his plate and mine to the sink, but there was already a lot of dishes were waiting. So i decided to do them but just as i drop my hand in sink the sharp pain occurred in the palm of my left hand.

"Aaaaah" i scream, and pull my hand out just to see blood, a lot of blood. By then Xavier was at my side and a towel was in his hand he was trying to get a hold of my hand but i was yanking it to subside the pain but it was too much.

"Will you for once let me get a hold of it, so that i can stop the bleeding" Xavier shout, almost yelled at me and i Froze on the spot.

He took my hand and take it under the tap of cold water, the cold water did the best to make it worse for the pain and i cringe and tried to yank my hand but xavier had a firm grip.

"It hurts" i whisper with my eyes closed. Iam kind of a person who just can't bear any pain or even look at some injury iam just too scared or i will feel pain..

I feel the towel gently pressed against the cut, and i hiss and again tried to take my hand back but he wouldn't budge.

"Iam sorry for yelling at you" i heard Xavier whisper and slower open my eyes to see he was pressing towel at my hand and his head was hung low, eyes at my hand. "You were not letting me see it, and it was bleeding so much" he said.

"Its alright" i said softly and then he looked up at me i smile at him softly and he return it.

"Come we need to check if its some deep curt or its normal" he said dragging me towards the kitchen counter. With his free hand he took my good hand and place it on the towel, silently telling me to hold it and i did.

Xavier laced his hand on my waist and lift me with ease and sat me up at the counter, then mumbled something about going to take first aid and left. I tried to see my hand and remove the towel but my eyes automatically will close and i didn't try it again.

He return with a first aid kit with the size of some tools which will fix some truck or something.

"Xav, you are really going to treat me with that?" i asked hesitantly and my eyes went wide when he nodded. I jump from the counter and took a run for the stairs but xavier was quick to catch me.

"Come on don't be silly, we have to bandaid it or if the cut is deep then it might need stitches". He said and gasped...

Once again xavier made me sit but now on dinning table, as he sat me on that and came to stand in between my legs to trap me from running away, i was already planning to how to run from here.
Gently he took my hand and i turn my face to other side, I just can't see this.

"Its not that deep for stiches but it is deep." Xavier said as he inspect my hand.

My hand was stinging with pain and i was waiting for it to be numb because the pain was not bearable.
Xavier was cleaning it with some alcohol dabs and i hiss in pain, it was like fire into it.

I let my head laid on Xavier's shoulder and close my eyes to let myself calm down. On the other hand he was absolutely fine. Not once has he flinch or even turn his face. He is strong, strong as hell. Xavier was repeating sweet nothings in my ear trying to calm me down and to let the pain leave and it was working.

"You are so soft, so delicate yet strong baby, its nothing come on be a big girl it's going to be alright. Its just a cut, a small one. And this beautiful baby girl can easily bear this" he said and i didn't mind him talking this way ~i mean of course it sounds like he is talking to someone in kindergarten~ because i needed some comfort.

"Okay its done" he said and i look at my hand. It was wrapped it some gauze and i feel like i have my hand twice its size now. I looked up at Xavier who was watching me with amusement.

"What?" I said slowly....

"How cute you are. You can't even look at your hand properly" he said holding back his laughter but failing miserably.

"Shut up, its just that I just can't" i said embarrassed...

"No worries baby, iam right here and will always take care of you and iam sorry you got hurt but i promise i won't let anyone or anything hurt you ever" xavier said and just looked into his eyes which were as serious as his words and for a second i thought what we have why he care for me so much...

Is this love?????

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