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"One cold coffee with extra chocolate and two chocolate muffins. Anything else you would like today." I ask Nate while moving along the tables, he smiled and shook his head then returned to his book.

Nate was a retired army man, he had some serious injuries during a blast. When he came and I took his order for the very first time, he had scared the shit out of me. He glared at me when I was staring at his scar on his face.

After running inside the kitchen and talking to Maggie about him, I got to know his story. He come here everyday and would order 2 different drinks only. One a cold coffee with extra chocolate and the other ginger tea. On my third day at work he ordered softly and apologized to me for being rude.

Taking other two order I made my way to kitchen and rings the bell after placing the slip on counter for maggie to prepare.

The chimes came as another one kf customer came and took their regular seat. This was a lady, Maria. She is a nurse and is living alone. She divorced her husband after three years of their marriage. He was a abuser, and the day he beat Maria to the point she lost her baby, she decided to take stand.

All the customers are friendly to me. As being new to Cafe, everyone accepts me as their own. The love they have for Maggie and Charlie is now same for me too.

As Maggie ring bell and told me to be careful with the hot coffee, I took the tray and made my way towards tables. Placing the orders on the designated tables and moving towards Maria I notice a new lady. Her hands were full of grocery bags and had a toddler who was pulling her from her dress towards the glass which had cakes and cookies displayed.

I put the tray aside and went towards the lady. When she notice me, her smile came and for the first time I've seen someone so elegant. Her smile was beautiful, her hairs a dirty blonde but put together, her dress was a elegant piece.

"Let me help you with that." I said and took the bags from her hand and lady made a sigh of relief. As I put her bags aside and turn around, she was bend over her toddler and was talking to him with hushed voice.

"Baby, mommy is so tired and what have I taught you about pulling me here and there." She was scolding him but even that with love.

"sowwy."  Oh my God that baby is so cute. I just wanted to take him in my arms but I controlled my self.

She then stand and smiled to me. Taking her baby's hand she took the sofa seats beside the glass case and baby tried to went towards the glass again. As I turn to take order from a man who wore a suit, the lady called for me.

"Can you take my son to that glass and give him anything that he wants, but just one piece." I smiled when the baby looked up and decided to came towards me.
"Baby go with her, she'll give you sweets." The baby nods as if he understood.

To my surprise he did understand what his mom told him, and came and took my fore finger in his hand holding tightly. He starts to pull me towards the display and when I move he stumbled a little but thank God didn't fall.

After purchasing a cherry cake's piece for toddler, and a hot coffee for his mom they left. The cafe went silent again as the baby left. I made my way to kitchen as my stomach growled for hunger.

The day went by fast, but something was bothering me. My heart wouldn't stop being so stupid and would beat so hard I could literally hear my heart beats. The odd feeling didn't went away all day even when I step outside of cafe and mallow made a scene when he crashed into a glass wall.

Saying goodnight to Charlie as he locked the cafe and taking mallow into my arms I made my way to my house. It was already dark at seven, but the winds were wild so I increased my pace.

As I near my house a dark silhouette took my attention, fearing him to be a thief or a murder I started to half run and half walk kind of way. Mallow become attentive when he notice the change in my walk.

Just as I was walking into my driveway my feet stalled, my heart stops beating, my eyes wide when a figure came in front of me from the stairs of my door. The figure rose, dusting it's pants and then came in front of me. The street lights illuminate his face and my feet falls back a step.

My voice caught into my throat, came out croaked.


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