Scarlet pov

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I was scared or may be just tensed because xavier was behaving differently he just hung up saying his apologies to me, but why was he apologizing me i didnt get that....
When i ask dan to talk to him and help him release his tension but he just shrugged and told me that its Xavier's way he will be alright in some....

But when dan told me xavier wants me to come at airport to receive him, my world brighten for this... All i know is now xavier is my everything now, i just can't deny this... Its clear as day that he means a lot more than a friend to me a lot.....

We are xavier's house today he directly came here with me in his side, he didn't let me go since the airport, like always seeking for comfort and i dont resist because i know he wants me right now so i will give him whatever he wants....

We were roaming at his house, it was beautiful so big... Everything spoke of money, his house was like a villa like a king's place, everything was there but everything was a lot expensive and i was watching it with wide eyes...  

"Come let me show you my room, and iam tired too i want to take shower"

"No, i want to see your house first so you go when i'll be done i'll be there"

"Okay as you say baby girl" he said and kissed my forehead "feel free to have anything and go anywhere, everyone knows you so if you want-"

"Anything just told them" i complete his sentence "i know xavier now go" i said and slightly push him away..... He chuckles and went to his bedroom.....

I want to make somthing to eat for him, so i have to let him go... I quickly made my way towards kitchen but i didn't find it just then i caught sight of two mens talking to each other, when they saw me they straighten and nod to me at the same way as they do to xavier...

"Can you tell me where is kitchen?" I said with a smile and they just nod..

"Yes mam... This way please" one of them said and show me the way to kitchen after three left turns we were at kitchen so i quickly ran inside to make chocolate shake for xavier just the way i make for myself when iam depressed.....

"Anything else mam" the men asking...

"No that's it" i said and smile and he turn to leave but i stop him "oh wait, where is Xavier bedroom from here" i asked him...

"Three rights from here, two left then stairs then third room from here, mam" he said and i wide my eyes...

"Can you come after ten minute to help me with the way to room"

"Sure mam" he said nod and leave...

I quickly made chocolate shake for xavier and add extra chocolate to it.... Just when i finished the man came back and take me to xavier room and when we were outside he nods to me and leave me there....
I knock on his door twice but he didint came so i just open the door and went inside....

The sight of the room caught my eyes out, how can this be so beautiful the room was mostly black and cream it was perfectly well furniture and there was a king size bed but something else caught my eyes again there was a pic and oh my god how did he got that pic and when he took this pic.... The pic was perfect the couple was perfect just made for one another....

The girl was wearing a black gown anf dancing with a man who was wearing a balck tuxedo and were dancing the background was lighted and some sparkle was there but the focus was on couple the girl has rested her forehead  at the mans chest and the man at girls head they were looking like they just made for each other the perfect pic of me and xavier from the night when we first meet at party, when we were dancing.....

Just then a door open from my left and xavier came in from bathroom just in a towel which was wrapped around his waist, i gulped audible and take a look at his body, a muscular body his arms were well toned his chest was perfect mascular and his abs were perfectly packed he just came out of shower and some droplets were still were on his chest and stomach making there way inside his towel..... Shit iam checking him out....

I look up at his eyes, they were already at me, he the take a step forward and i again gulp...
He took steps and when he was some five steps away i starts moving backwards and he didn't stop moving when i get hit the wall with my back, he was in front of me he took that cup from my hands and place it at the nearby table and caged me with the wall by placing both his hands on either side of my head i start breathing heavy....

He lean in and i closed my eyes, allowing him to do whatever he wants to and i feel his lips on my left eye then right eyes then my tip of nose and then my jaw line, i starts breathing so heavy... He didn't stop and with last kiss on my jaw he brushed him lips to mine and i shiver, and then he starts kissing my lips and took my bottom lip in between his lips and my hands automatically made their way to his neck and he remove his hands from wall and came to hold me at the back of my head with one hand and other on my waist to pull me close...

We kissed with all our passion i replied him with same passion, he was hungry so am i... I pull him close and he groan with pleasure and then we parted to catch our breaths and he made his way to my neck and starts kissing my neck and then he bite my neck just above my shoulder and i gasp and moan...

"Xavier".... I moan his name and he pull me more close at him....
He didn't stop and i dont want him too, but my phone rings and he growled....

"I... Ne... Need to... Take that" i said with alot of difficult because he was continuing his torture on me...

"No" he said and he continued his doing....

"Xav, give me a moment" i said breathless.....

"Please" he pleaded, god now what how am i going to do it now...

"I'll be back, we.... We will cont..continue this" i moan again when he bite me again....

"Promise me" he growled. 

"" i said and he slowly pull back his eyes full of..... Love?
And then step aside and i made my way to his bed where my purse was, which i have given him before going to kitchen and remove my phone, it was mel and her two miss call Where there...
So i call her back but didn't dare to turn to xavier....

"Where are you?" She ask

"With xavier,  what happen tell me"

"Nothing i was just worried you okay now? "  she ask and just then two strong arms came from behind me and i know its xavier he snake his arms at my waist and pull me back at him, i lean to him for comfort "scar you there" mels voice take me back...

"Yeah, iam good.. "

"Ok then take care ok baby bye" she said and hung up...

I throw my phone at bed and again lean in xaviers arms which respond just after by tightening his arms around me.....
And starts kissing my neck from back and i hum with pleasure.... And look at the pic that was in front of us and above head rest of bed...

"Xav" i said softly and he hum for me to continue   "When did you got that" i said...

"Hmm?...... What? " he said in confusion

"This pic, when you got that" i said pointing at the pic...

"Hmmm, this one" he lean and kissed my chick "one of the photographer at party took this and iam glad he did" he said pressing him more to me "when i got to see this, i instantly made this, this way and put this here"....... "Isn't it perfect? "

"Just perfect" i said turn to look at him he smile at me with hid gorgeous smile and i smile back softly just when he was about to kiss me again i stop him and he look at me with confusion....

"What?" He asked like a kid from whom you took his candy...

I motion towards the chocolate shake but he pouted at me and i laugh and just shake my head, he sighs and leave me and took the cup and take a sip of it....

"Wow.... Its perfect, why you made this" he said and then i realise that he has wear his nightpants and nothing on up.....

I shrugged "no reason" i said and sat on the bed looking at him directly in eyes....

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