Another Note

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I hate writing these especially whenever you guys have been waiting day and night for updates but this has really pushed my limit.

For one, this story is not made to promote sexism, feminism, or any of nonsense.

It's strictly fiction and people love reading these kind of stories.

If you are being treated this way you need to call someone for help, get out, or stand up for yourself. You're not a door mat, and if someone close to you is being treated wrong stand up for them and do something about it.

Women are not doormats, and the majority of women don't know how to get out of situations like this because they were raised in this environment. What you live in you're normally going to grow up looking for that.

Be aware of your surroundings. Men do treat women like shit in real life. And women do that to men too, just be aware.

If a man actually treats you the way Cooper did in the beginning or even now you need to leave that relationship as soon as possible.

I honestly thought people could differentiate fiction from non fiction but I'm sadly mistaken.

So please know whatever happens in this story is strictly fiction and you SHOULD NOT look for this in a man.

New chapter is up tomorrow or monday.

Thank y'all for being patient.

Just to put this out there, how some women hate to be underestimated by society...  That's exactly how young adults feel when you underestimate them. They feel insulted and you should make them feel welcomed. Becuase well, they are going to somewhat rule the country when they grow up. The jobs we'll have, the government, the economy... The list goes on.

I really hate being called "sweetheart" or "honey" when someone is arguing or stating their opinions with me.


They said they'd be gone for a month MINIMUM GEESH PEOPLE

Thanks, and I love you guys

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