Tf2 - Part 1

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You get out of bed after a long peaceful sleep. You sit up and tie your hair in a pony tail. You look at the time and almost flip out. You are one minute late for the cab to take you to Fortress. You quickly get up and pack a bag, run out of the house knowing your parents aren't home, and see a cab with a bored looking person sitting inside.
'Sorry!' You call out and run to the cab. 'I didn't realise the time.' You get into the back and place your bag beside you, remembering that you packed the flyer in. The cab guy didn't answer and just began to start the car, he held his hand out behind him. You placed he money in his hand and he stuffed the money into the glove compartment. Knowing that he knows where you're going, and knowing that he knows how far it is to get there.
He drove onto the street, as you sat in your chair leaning forward a little, you analysed what he was wearing. He is wearing the typical uniform, but one thing caught your eye. On the front of his shoulder was a badge, it had a shining golden falcon implanted in the badge. You remembered it was from the old school you used to go to. But the thing is, it was a "girls only" school. You held back the urge to ask him what was up with that. You sat back in your chair and quietly rummaged through your bag, looking for the flyer to read. You found it and smiled, you started to read it once again, just to pass the time. After a while, you finally broke. You really wanted to know how this man got the badge, considering boys were not allowed in the school, exception to teachers.
'So, how did you get that badge?' You finally asked, trying not to sound cautious. He tilted his head, but kept his sight on the road.
'Why do you want to know? It's none of your beeswax.' He sounded a little English. He also sounded like tension was rising inside him. You felt a light shiver down your spine.
'I just wanted to kno-' You got cut off by him.
'Well you're not gonna know!' He yelled, grasping the steering wheel tighter.
'I'm sorry I just-' You got cut off again by the cab suddenly swirling roughly to the side of the road, stopping.
'Get out, please miss.' He said sternly, but trying to sound nice.
'Oh, ok.' You say awkwardly, placing the flyer back in your bag, grabbing it and hopping out. You watch as the cab rushes off back onto the road. Dust picking up, you wince your eyes and turn. You look up, turn back around and start walking alongside the road, heading towards your destination on foot, with your bag in your hand. Later, a car was heard behind you from a distance coming this way. You didn't bother trying to get their attention because it never works. Then you hear the car slowing down when it got somewhat close to you. You turn to see what's happening and see a man in a truck. He waves his hand signally to come this way.
'Oi, mate!' He calls out in what sounded like an Australian accent. You start running over to the truck.
'Hi!' You say catching your breath.
'Why are you walking, hon?' He asks kindly.
'Oh, the cab guy... I asked something, I shouldn't have asked.' You say lowering your head a little.
'Alright.' He says not questioning, you pause.
'Why did you stop for me?' You ask questioningly.
'Oh, the flyer that's hangin' out of yer bag... It's for the Fortress.' He says pointing to the flyer. You quickly grab the flyer before it flies away.
'Wow, you could see that from a few miles away?' You ask in disbelief because the flyer is a dark colour, and it is small, but had a lot of information on it.
'Yeah, I've got' quite the keen eye.' He says with a little pride in his voice. 'But any who, you're trying to get to the Fortress, right?' He asks.
'Oh, yes! Indeed, I've been walking for a while.' You say to the man, looking back at the dirt tracks behind the truck.
'Well, I'm headed there right now, so if you'd like to hop in I'd be happy to give you a lift.' He says in a casual voice, looking at you. You look back at him with happiness.
'Yes, please! That would be really nice of you.' He smiles and leans forward to open the door in front of you. You hop in and click your seatbelt on, then place the bag on your lap. Smiling and thinking about how lucky this is, it was very hot outside.

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